


  • Even in hot summer Yuanzhen cows can embrace coziness and coolness under free umbrage outside and in the cowshed with the spray nozzles and electronic fan to maintain the temperature .

    外出散步时,源真奶牛可以在灌木树下遮阴乘凉; 留在 牛舍内也同样有喷淋器、电风扇降温避暑,炎炎夏日怡然自得。

  • The pope himself had taken great umbrage at the book .

    教皇本人对这本书曾极为 生气

  • Over at techcrunch meanwhile Josh constine was much more earnest with his umbrage .

    同时,科技媒体TechCrunch的乔什•康斯丁在表达对 LindedIn的不满时更为直接。

  • He takes umbrage against anyone who criticises him .

    不管谁批评他,他都心生 愤懑

  • Although Jeff was given to lying he never took umbrage at being accused of it .

    尽管 杰克喜欢撒谎, 别人 为此指责他时他从不 见怪

  • Everything gives umbrage to a tyrantny .

    所有事情都使 专制君主生气。

  • Took umbrage at their rudeness .

    他们的粗野 表示 不悦

  • They take umbrage at the suggestion there is something wrong with success on a grand scale .

    对于 巨大成功有什么不对劲的说法, 他们 表示 不齿

  • While I certainly understand the frustration behind many of the shirt 's points I myself found the tone of the T-shirt 's message offensive and can see why some Chinese took umbrage .

    虽然我很理解在T恤衫上的话的背景给外国人 带来的沮丧,但我也感觉到 那些话是 得罪人的,也明白为什么有些中国人看了会 心中 快。

  • He 's like you forever taking umbrage about something .

    他象你,总会为了什么事 生气

  • She took umbrage at one or two of my remarks .

    我的一两句 生气

  • It has tried to deepen relations with China and other Asian powers even at the cost of American umbrage .

    它一直在努力深化与中国及其他亚洲大国之间的关系,即便这让美国 感到 不满

  • After taking umbrage at remarks George Bush made in Israel about appeasement Mr Obama went on to argue that the threat from Iran was not of the same magnitude as that posed by the Soviet Union .

    乔治 布什在以色列发表演讲,认为同伊朗对话是”绥靖行为“,奥巴马 对此 表示 抗议。奥巴马继续指出,伊朗的威胁同当年苏联的威胁不 同日而语。

  • They 're liable to take umbrage if we don 't invite them .

    如果我们不邀请他们,他们会 生气的。

  • The study was to simulate the condition of light climate and research the function that umbrage hazard in shelter forest .

    模拟林内光气候状况,探讨防护 林林下的 遮荫 效应。

  • The answers were kept confidential to prevent any partners taking umbrage .

    为了防止 他们 一半 感到 他们的答案都是保密的。