


  • Unbefitting Application of Liner Model in Scientific Research of Physical Education and Sports

    线性模型在体育科研中应用的 常见 误区 分析

  • Financial time series is always studied as a whole in existent financial econometrics based on statistical models some rigorous hypothesis are often indispensable . Especially it is unbefitting for importuning all data of series to meet a fixed mathematics model .

    目前已有金融计量经济方法主要通过统计模型从全局的角度来研究时间序列,这种方法一 方面 依赖苛刻的假设条件, 一方面它要求所有数据都符合一个固定的数学模型, 显得 过于 牵强

  • Behavior unbefitting a father .

    符合父亲 身份的行为。