


  • Once you have sung unaccompanied in front of a roomful of strangers nothing should faze you .

    一旦你能在一屋子的陌生人面前 伴奏地演唱,就没有什么可担心的了。

  • Guidelines on unaccompanied minors seeking asylum ;

    关于 孤身未成年人寻求庇护的指导方针;

  • Guidelines on policies and procedures in dealing with unaccompanied children seeking asylum ;


  • She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse unaccompanied .

    她在钢琴伴奏下唱了前三节,最后一节 清唱

  • Kelly 's too young to go unaccompanied .

    凯利还太小,不能自己一 个人去。

  • It should be said that I was a Ranger an unaccompanied homeless wandering the Ranger .

    应该说我就是一个浪人,一个 孤身游荡无家可归的浪人。

  • I honestly replied : I am here unaccompanied no one can help me .

    我诚实答道:我在这里 举目无亲没有一个人可帮我。

  • Regulations governing the carriage of unaccompanied minors can be obtained from us .

    关于 成人 陪伴 儿童的承运规定可向我们 咨询

  • Guiding principles on unaccompanied and separated children : inter-agency standards and policies ;


  • Singletons whether unmarried or divorced are able to sign up for the roughest toughest unaccompanied positions .

    单身者,无论未婚或离异,都能够签约获得那些最难熬、最艰苦的 从职位。

  • The piece is most often sung unaccompanied .

    这首歌大部分是在 没有伴奏的情况下 清唱的。

  • I have some unaccompanied baggage .

    我有一些 随身的行李。

  • Unaccompanied baggage must is checked in at the airport 24 hour in advance .

    随身载运的 托运行李必须提前24小时在机场办理托运手续。

  • It is estimated that every year 50 unaccompanied children arrive in Britain

    据估计,每年有50名儿童 独自来到英国。

  • He traveled unaccompanied by his parents .

    没有父母 陪伴而去旅行。

  • AP staffers had never seen an unaccompanied teenage American walk into their war zone office .

    美联社的记者编辑们从未见过一个美国孩子 独自走进他们的战地办公室。

  • My son needs to be checked in as an unaccompanied minor .

    我的儿子需办理 成人 陪伴 儿童

  • Saab dealers are currently giving away unaccompanied 24-hour test drives in posh demonstrator models .

    萨博汽车的经销商目前正推出高档样品车 无人 陪同的24小时试驾活动。

  • Inter-agency working group on unaccompanied and separated children ;


  • Bill unaccompanied by document The bill came along with the package .

    货运单据的 汇票单据和包裹一起来的。

  • Unaccompanied bags are either searched or removed .


  • If you have any unaccompanied baggage you have to fill out this unaccompanied baggage declaration form .

    如果你有任何 随身的行李,你必须填这张不随身行李申报单。

  • For an encore he sang an unaccompanied folk song .

    应观众再唱一曲的要求,他 清唱了一首民歌。

  • I sent my luggage home as unaccompanied baggage .

    我把行李打包成 单件行李寄回家。

  • Beauty unaccompanied by virtue is as a flower without perfume .

    美, 在美德的 伴奏下,就像没有香味的花。

  • England was the only country at that time willing to accept unaccompanied minors .

    英国在那时候是唯一愿意接受 孤儿的国家。

  • Unaccompanied baggage should be cleared when they arrive .


  • He played works for unaccompanied violin .

    他演奏了 伴奏的小提琴乐曲。

  • The four men came back unaccompanied also .

    那四个人也没 小姐回来。

  • The industry have called for a flight on the number of unaccompanied children should be properly controlled .

    业内人士呼吁,对一架航班上 成人 陪伴儿童数量应加以适当控制。