


  • The singer poetically describes the panic fear and struggle against the unappeasable invading force .

    歌手以诗一样的语言描述了 休止的入侵 带来的恐慌、畏惧以及 奋争

  • As we are going deep into the research of the development of economy and society . It is unappeasable to reflect a problem with single index .

    随着我们对经济社会发展研究的不断深入,用单一指标来反映某一问题 已经 不能 满足研究的需要, 综合指标的 运用越来 普遍。

  • Because of its thinness the mouth and eyes looked disproportionately large and the eyes seemed filled with a murderous unappeasable hatred of somebody or something .

    由于瘦削,眼睛和嘴巴就大得不成比例,眼睛里似乎有一种对什么人或什么东西都 怀有 刻骨仇恨 恶狠狠 神情

  • What makes his view of other people so cutting and his disappointment so unappeasable is the same thing that makes Hamlet 's feelings so cutting and unappeasable : his grief .

    他看人 刻薄,内心 满怀失落,这 与哈姆雷特的 刻薄 失落同出一处:他的悲伤。