


  • Has been unauthentic or has not had the permit maintenance actually the excellent in quality maintenance has not been possible to mix the use the worry .

    来路 不明,或未有许可证的保养 ,其实品质优良的保养 ,并没有不可混合使用的顾虑。

  • The aim of intrusion tolerance database is to utilize unauthentic DBMS to structure the believable database application system .

    入侵容忍数据库研究的目标是利用 可信的数据库管理系统构建可信的数据库应用系统。

  • If an enterprise resorts to deception or files a unauthentic application the Customs shall not accept its application for A-class administration within two years .

    企业申请时有 弄虚作假 ,海关两年内不受理对其实施A类管理的申请。

  • Firewall is a barrier at the network border to prevent network attacks and is the only link to unauthentic network .

    防火墙是位于网络边界防范网络攻击的屏障,是与 可信网络进行 联络的唯一纽带。

  • High-quality data is the basic of getting meaningful results from data analysis tools such as data mining and OLAP . The decision support system constructed on the base of low-quality data is unauthentic .

    高质量的数据是各种数据分析工具(数据挖掘、OLAP等 得到有价值和有意义结果的首要 条件,建立在劣质数据基础之上的决策支持系统是 可信的。

  • In high schools on the one hand many listening materials are chosen from written prose and recorded at an artificial speed which are unauthentic and deny the characteristics of spoken language .

    目前所采用的听力材料大部分来自书面文章,而且在录制时被人为地减速, 缺乏口语的特点和 对话 真实性。