


  • The measure to reduce resistance of substation in typic terrain is presented .

    介绍了变电站 地网的降阻措施。

  • In this study photosynthesis respiration and root vitality of typic big spike wheat varieties ( lines ) were studied .

    对目前试验 试种 代表性大穗小麦品系 部分生理特性进行了研究。

  • Main results are shown as follows : ( 1 ) The sorption of phenanthrene by Typic Paleudalfs was investigated in batch experiments designed to explore the effect of typical root exudates by addition of ARE low-molecular-weight organic acids ( LMWOA ) amino acids and fructose .

    主要研究结果如下:(1)采用批量平衡试验法,研究了模拟根系分泌物(ARE)及其低分子量有机酸( LMWOA)、氨基酸和糖等组分对黄棕壤吸附菲的影响。

  • In the course of analyzing failure model of MICs and applying measures data base of MICs is set up providing references gived for building the typic failure model .

    开展军用 集成 电路失效模式分析和改进措施研究的工程应用中,建立了军用 集成 电路数据库,为建立其 典型的失效模式提供参考。

  • There 're lots of reasons which lead to break-up between couples and misunderstand can just be a typic one .

    有许多原因可以导致恋人的分手,而误会只是一个 具有 代表性的原因。

  • The test study of triaxial stress for two typic rocks J_c and T_c under confined pressures is presented in this paper . It is of great significance to the design of bits and the application of bit types .

    本文提供了两种 标准岩石Jc~2和Tc~2在围压下的三轴应力试验,它对钻头设计及选型非常重要。

  • Studies on genetic effects of five g typic cytoplasmic male sterile lines of Wheat

    5种G 细胞质小麦雄性不育系遗传效应的研究

  • On the basis of dynamic response analysis of antiseismic design for two typic dam blocks of water retaining and overflowing at Guandi Hydroelectric Plant the antiseismic strength safety and stability against sliding of dam under design seismic action are described .

    在官地水电站挡水和溢流两个 典型坝段抗震设计动力响应分析的基础上,论述了大坝在设计地震作用下的抗震强度安全和抗滑稳定性。

  • The typic example is to create Production Specific Area .

    典型实例就是创建生产特区 形式有力 促进了上海 汽车 工业 发展

  • A study on breeding heavy ear typic combination by complex hybridization

    水稻复合杂交选育大 组合的研究

  • Currently k-means algorithm transitive closure and Iterative self-organizing data analysis techniques are the typic clustering algorithms .

    目前 典型的聚类算法有-均值聚类法、传递闭包算法、迭代自组织数据分析技术等。

  • The paper introduces several typic techniques of simultaneous removal of SO2 and NOx for coal-burning boiler of power plant and compares theirs techniques and theirs economies .

    详细介绍几种 典型电厂燃煤锅炉同时脱硫脱氮技术,并对其进行技术和经济比较。

  • The mainly orebody is typic arrangement assemblage feature of sulphide of sediment orogenic copper ore because primary mineral has obviously zonation .

    主矿体中原生矿石矿物具有明显的分带性,为 典型的沉积成因铜的硫化物排列组合特征。

  • Abounding in gas and condensate the Banqiao region of Dagang oil field is a typic condensate reservoirs .

    大港油田板桥地区,是 典型的凝析油气藏。

  • Typic testing method for the performance of flame retardants are introduced according to that of plastics .

    参照塑料材料阻燃性能的测试手段介绍了 常用 沥青 材料阻燃性能的测试方法;

  • A group of typic well-testing curves suitable for auto-fitting with computer through re-composing the parameters of typic well-testing curve are developed in this paper .

    本文通过对 典型试井曲线参数的重新组合,研制出了一组适合于计算机自动拟合的典型曲线。

  • Secure authentication technology is a most important application way . It 's one of typic technology in information secure field too .

    安全认证是 密码学的重要应用方向,也是信息安全领域中 常用的技术之一。

  • At first we established an AC small-signal model of welding inverter and designed a digital controller on the basis of analyzing a typic analog welding control circuit .

    本文在这部分的研究工作中,首先建立了弧焊逆变电源的交流小信号模型,并对 典型的模拟控制电路进行了分析。

  • Osteoporosis is one relative typic of Endemic Fluorosis disease and one relative popular research topic of environmental geochemistry area .

    地氟病是较为 典型的地方性氟中毒疾病,是环境地球化学领域一个较为流行的研究课题。

  • Typic ultrastructure of apoptosis cells was found under electron microscope after the cells were treated with DCI .

    电镜观察发现,经DCI处理后的部分细胞具有凋亡细胞的 典型形态特征。

  • The typic unsteady well flows and the conditions to produce the approximating steady stage were analysed .

    本文 全面地分析了非稳定井流中有 代表 承压承压及 井流和产生似稳定的条件。

  • Its typic microstructure calls lamellar pearlite .


  • The electrical distance measuring is a typic method in current engineering control measuring .

    EDM 三角高程测量是目前工程控制测量中 常用的一种方法。

  • This article describes how to use Excel 2000 Visual Basic 's commands to access the objects of Range Row and Column in the Excel worksheet and how to use the typic events in the Excel worksheet to programme .

    阐述了如何利用 Excel2000VISUALBASIC语句访问Excel中工作表的Range对象、表格行和列对象等,以及如何利用Excel工作表 常用的事件进行编程等问题。

  • And with a typic case of successful error-solution to expatiate on the assumption and the material realization measures for the substitutive solution .

    并以一个 典型的成功解决故障的案例来阐述替代解决方案的设想及具体实现方法。

  • But distilling tower temperature control is a typic big time-lag system and the control of it is always a difficult problem in coak producing industry .

    但由于氨塔温度控制属于 典型的大时滞系统,对这种系统的自动控制一直是焦化生产控制中的一个难题。

  • Comparison of Unit Energy Consumption for Clinker Transporting between Two Typic 4th Generation Cooler

    两种 典型四代篦冷机的熟料推动单元功耗比较

  • Pesticide wastewater is a typic highly concentrated refractory wastewater because of its complicated components and high toxicity . The treatment of pesticide wastewater always draw the attention of society .

    而农药生产废水由于成分复杂、毒性大,是高浓度难降解有机废水的 典型 代表,对农药生产废水的治理历来是社会关注的重点。

  • The determination of pyridine adsorption of samples revealed that materials have a typic characterization of proton acid and the proton acid centers increased with the increase of S content .

    磺酸 嵌入 基质中,吡啶吸附测定显示了 典型的质子酸特征,而且酸中心随硫含量增加而增多。

  • The diagnosis can be made based on its typic pathological and clinical manifestations .

    诊断依据其 典型的病理和临床表现。