


v.解开(纽扣)( unbutton的过去式和过去分词 )打开表露吐露

  • She then unbuttoned her coat and rubbed her belly .

    随后,她 脱掉外套,爱抚肚中的 孩子

  • Shouid I go for the unbuttoned sexy iook ?

    我不 扣子看上去性感吗?

  • He unbuttoned his shirt .


  • I felt my tie being loosened my collar unbuttoned hands slapping my face .

    我感到领带被 拉松了, 领扣解开了,脸被人抽打着。

  • Ottawa unbuttoned or Who 's running this country anyway ?

    渥太华 解开,或者究竟谁运作这个国家吗?

  • The men gorged with food had unbuttoned their vests .

    那些男人,吃得 饱嗝, 解开了背心的 钮扣

  • I unbuttoned my shirt cuffs .

    解开 我的袖口。

  • In addition he unifies the humor personality and the unbuttoned moods together in the system of the theory of humor .

    此外,他还将幽默、性灵和 闲适统一在幽默理论的系统 之下

  • I 'm one captain said a fat man whose tunic was unbuttoned .

    “我是队长,”一个敞开紧身上衣的 胖子 回答说。

  • A well-dressed Wall Street type his coat was unbuttoned a briefcase dangled from his hand and hed obviously had one too many .

    那个人穿着时髦, 怀,一个手提箱在他的手里悬吊着,很明显他是 多喝了一杯。

  • When he has to travel standing up he always keeps his jacket unbuttoned carefully adjusting his posture so that the lower edge of his jacket hits the face or the eyes of those sitting down .

    Luke 消遣 丰富 多样。当他不得不站着的时候,他总是故意不 夹克衫的 纽扣,小心地调整姿势使夹克衫的下边碰到坐着的乘客的脸或眼睛。

  • Villefort violently unbuttoned his great-coat which seemed to strangle him and passing his livid hand across his forehead entered his study .

    维尔福用力 解开那件似乎要窒息他的大衣纽扣,用他那只毫无血色的手按在额上,走进他的书房。

  • He stepped back a few paces and unbuttoned his overcoat .

    他后退了几步, 解开了他的大衣。

  • His earliest remotest childhood came back to Prince Andrey when the assistant with tucked-up sleeves hurriedly unbuttoned his buttons and took off his clothes .

    当一个医助卷起袖子,忙着给安德烈公爵 钮扣,脱衣服的时候, 安德烈公爵回忆起了自己最早、最遥远的童年。

  • I slipped my hands under Chloe 's skirt and she unbuttoned my trousers with an air of indifferent normality like someone opening the post or changing a duvet .

    我的手在了罗爱裙子下游移,她 愉快轻松 解开我的裤子,好像这并不 我们 感到 奇怪,如同打开邮件或羽绒被一般。

  • This unbuttoned and disrespectful age - Curtis Bok ; unlaced behavior in the neighborhood pub .

    这个 放肆无礼的年纪-科蒂斯·伯克;附近酒馆放肆的行为。

  • We hope to provide the reader with an unbuttoned view of the academic life .

    我们希望向读者 呈现学术界的 原貌

  • What 's worth taking away : button-down shirts are both chic and appropriate as long as they aren 't too unbuttoned .

    值得学习的:只要 扣子解开太多, 领口解开的衬衫很时尚也很适合。

  • The wind picked up the hem of her unbuttoned coat .

    风吹起了她 没有 扣紧 钮扣的外套摺边。

  • She unbuttoned her red jacket and drew out a bright gold necklace studded with glittering pearls and jewels .

    排扣,从 里面大红袄 上将那珠宝晶莹黄金灿烂的 璎珞 将出来。

  • Mr Bumble put down his hat unbuttoned his coat folded his arms and sat back in his chair .

    班布尔先生摘下帽子, 解开 衣扣,双臂交叉放在胸前,向后靠在椅子上。

  • She sprawled back against a pillar of the porch and with a shaking hand unbuttoned her basque halfway down her bosom .

    她背靠着一根廊柱斜倚在 那里,用颤抖的手 解开 胸衣 当中 扣子,让胸衣半 着。

  • Since he arrived in 2004 Mr Dimon has often been disappointed with the investment bank 's performance . And JPMorgan 's chief executive has been characteristically unbuttoned in sharing that disappointment in public .

    自2004年进入摩根大通以来, 戴蒙经常对该公司投行业务的表现感到失望,而这位首席执行官也常常公开 表达他的这种不满。

  • If the suit is unbuttoned where should be the stickpin ?

    西装 着穿时,领带夹应在衬衫的哪两粒 纽扣之间?