


  • Look how she gives herself airs . it 's really unbearable .

    看她那个神气活现的样子,真 不了

  • My bone ache . unbearable physical pain .

    我全身骨头都痛了。 无法 忍受的身体疼痛。

  • I was in terrible unbearable pain .

    我当时疼痛 难忍

  • Consequently unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom .

    因此, 无法 忍受的内疚,以及心灵上的痛苦将他带入了悲惨的结局。

  • How tired I am of this unbearable distance between us .

    怎么累,我 无法 忍受这个我们之间的距离。

  • I find his rudeness unbearable .

    我觉得他粗暴无礼 难以 忍受

  • Life has become unbearable to her .

    对于她 来说,生活变得 不堪 容忍

  • Thus he underwent much unbearable discrimination .

    因此他遭受了很多 不堪 忍受的歧视。

  • Without Westcott 's moderating influence Mathers 's autocratic manner became unbearable .

    没有了韦斯科特从中斡旋,马瑟斯的独断专行开始 无法 忍受

  • There were whispers that you 'd been killed . I 've been living with unbearable dread .

    有人说你被杀了。我一直活在 无法 忍受的恐惧中。

  • The unbearable lightness of her death made me feel shame to be a Chinese for first time ever .

    她的死之轻令我 不能 承受,也让我第一次感觉耻为中国人。

  • The pain in his liver was unbearable .

    他肝 得挺 了。

  • It now becomes an unbearable torment .

    它现在又变作一种 不能 忍受的折磨。

  • The film contains moments of almost unbearable poignancy

    电影中有几段几乎 辛酸得不忍目睹。

  • It is unbearable to be always on thorns .

    老是处于焦虑不安的情况中是 不了的。

  • To me moralistic films are just unbearable .

    对我来说,说教电影简直 难以 忍受

  • You are unbearable she wept .

    “你 简直 不了!”她哭了。

  • It is unbearable tool for home and business finance .

    这是 无法 忍受的工具,为家庭和企业融资。

  • Some people think that physician-assisted suicide can relieve dying patients of unbearable pain and suffering .

    有些人认为,医助自杀可以减轻垂死病人 不堪 忍受的痛苦。

  • Many people find the idea of any kind of invasive surgery unbearable .

    很多人认为任何开刀手术都 不堪 忍受

  • I have an unbearable headache can you help me ?

    我头痛 厉害,你可以帮我治吗?

  • The longing for love the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind .

    对爱的渴望,对知识的追求以及对人类苦难的 难以 承受之怜悯。

  • It looked as if her situation was becoming unbearable .

    看来她的处境已经变得 无法 忍受了。

  • Life was ill or rather it had become ill-an unbearable thing .

    生命邪恶,或者说变邪恶了,成了 无法 忍受的东西。

  • The drain is brocked and the stink is simply unbearable .


  • War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital

    对留在首都的平民来说,战争已使生活变得几乎 不堪 忍受

  • Meantime the August heat was almost unbearable .

    这会儿,八月的暑热几乎 使 不了

  • But this was unbearable too so we returned to our own stories .

    但这也同样 无法 忍受,于是我们又回到了自己的故事中。

  • I found his cheeky self-confidence unbearable .

    我发现他的厚脸皮的自信很 令人 无法 忍受