


  • Third it is advocated to clarify the unaccomplished crime such as robbery crime and make the proper choice of punishment on the basis of floating object .

    复次,以“浮动客体”概念厘清诸如抢劫罪等犯罪的 未遂 形态及其刑罚的合理选择;

  • The ethic of developing countries named building must be a future state unaccomplished .

    以“建设”命名的发展中国家的道德,必定是一个 完成的未来状态。

  • The theory of crime constitution condition completion as logically coherent theory conflicts with our crime constitution theory and the basic of criminal responsibility of unaccomplished crimes .

    通说的犯罪构成要件 齐备说与我国犯罪的构成理论、 完成 形态犯罪负刑事责任的根据相冲突。

  • And that utilitarianism corresponding to unaccomplished crime is the armful basis of Recidivist system .

    功利与 未然 罪相对应,是累犯制度的目的性基础。

  • It sums up the history evolvement of the unaccomplished crime theory the conception and the establishing conditions of it .

    该部分概括了 未遂犯理论的历史嬗变及 未遂 的概念和成立条件。

  • From this the study of the unaccomplished form means that it is carried out in the consequence offenses which cause heavy losses .

    由此,针对本罪的 未遂形态研究是指在造成重大损失的结果犯中展开的。

  • Based on the above this article discussed the range of punishment of unaccomplished crime which seldom discussed in academe defining problems of unaccomplished crime and accomplished crime which are difficult to handle in the practice of judicial administration .

    文章以此为基础,探讨了学界少有讨论的 未遂犯的处罚范围及司法实践中难以操作的未遂犯与既遂犯的认定问题。

  • Discontinuation of crime as one of the stopping forms of intentional crime the criminal legislation of various countries had regulated the punishment principle of lenient treatment and the extent is bigger than that of unaccomplished crime .

    犯罪中止,作为故意犯罪停止形态之一,各国刑事立法规定了宽大处理的处罚原则,而且程度较 未遂犯更大。

  • We said above that the peasants have accomplished a revolutionary task which had been left unaccomplished for many years and have done an important job for the national revolution .

    前面说了农民成就了多年 未曾成就的革命事业,农民做了国民革命的重要工作。

  • When it comes to the unpunishable criminal impossibility unpunishable means that it will not be punished as unaccomplished offence and it is not totally free from the punishment . If it accords with preparatory crime it should be punished as the preparatory crime .

    我们主张不可罚的不能犯,不罚,是指不作为 未遂犯处罚,但并不是完全的不罚,对于构成预备犯的应按照预备犯定罪处罚。

  • In the dispute of the unaccomplished potential damage offence theory the text is apt to the objective potential damage theory .

    危险 障碍 未遂的理论争议中本文倾向于客观危险说。

  • The lady trembled and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished .

    姑娘颤抖着, 抬头了望山谷边缘,想着是否要 而返。

  • The criminal attempt as an unaccomplished form of crime has long been a hot topic in the academic circle .

    犯罪未遂问题作为犯罪的一种 完成形态,一直是 中外学界讨论的热点问题。

  • The unaccomplished formation of joint crime is a cross theory concerned with both the theory of joint crime and the theory of criminal formation .

    共同犯罪的 中止 形态是涵盖刑法共同犯罪理论及犯罪 中止形态理论两 大部分的一个交点性理论问题。

  • It is generally believed that impossibility of crime is a type of unaccomplished crime .

    传统观点认为不能犯是犯罪 未遂的一种, 所有的不能 构成犯罪。

  • Additionally the article sets forth the corresponding view on the determination level of accomplished and unaccomplished offenses and principle and accessory criminal in negative complicity and comes up with constructive opinion on the criminal omission and negative complicity from the legislation level .

    此外,文中对消极共同犯罪的 未遂 问题、主从犯认定标准问题阐述了相应的看法,并对不作为犯罪和消极共同犯罪的立法问题提出了自己的建设性意见。

  • The main reasons were indefinite positioning disordered arrangement unaccomplished exploitation system and serious environmental damage .

    究其原因,主要是 公园定位模糊、布局 凌乱解说系统不 完善、旅游环境破坏严重。

  • First talk about the unaccomplished offense of influence-using bribery .

    首先讨论了利用影响力受贿罪的 完成形态。

  • If there is no consequence of heavy losses it belongs to the unaccomplished form .

    如果未发生重大损失的危害结果,则属于 本罪 未遂形态。

  • The introduction summarizes the present researching situation of unaccomplished crime and the meaning of studying unaccomplished crime .

    文章引言部分概述了 未遂 理论的研究现状及研究意义, 同时 说明文章 逻辑 思路和写作方法。

  • Sad Melody for Unaccomplished Ambition & The Tragic Character of Liu Bei and the Tragic Destiny of the Kingdom of Shu Han

    壮志未酬的悲歌&刘备的悲剧性格与蜀汉 政权的悲剧命运

  • The punishable criminal impossibility ( that is the impossible criminal attempt ) should be treated differently from the common unaccomplished offence .

    对于可罚的不能犯也即不能犯未遂也要同一般的 未遂犯区别对待。

  • The standard about accomplished and unaccomplished offense should be determined by the feature of ancient cultural sites or ancient tombs .

    该罪既遂与 未遂的标准应根据古文化遗址和古墓葬的不同特点确定不同的标准。

  • The task remained unaccomplished .

    该工作依然 完成

  • Practice Aesthetics not only has modernity and is the authentic modern aesthetics but as a project reflecting on modernity it remains unaccomplished .

    而且作为对现代性(包括 启蒙现代性与审美现代性)的反思,实践美学是一项未 完成的现代性工程。

  • The Root-Seeking Literature and the Unaccomplished Race Narration

    寻根文学与 完成的民族叙事

  • According to the characteristics of the quantitative factor in crime conception of our criminal law quantity crimes and plot crimes don 't contain unaccomplished states .

    根据我国犯罪概念含有定量因素的特点,数额犯和情节犯不存在犯罪 未遂 形态

  • The second part is the theory basis of unaccomplished crime and the foundation of punishment .

    第二部分 未遂犯的理论基础与处罚依据。

  • On the Punishment Scope and Definition of Unaccomplished Crime
