


  • Unanticipated shifts of scope are likely to occur and the product requires more and more customization .

    产品的 目标范围很可能会发生 无法 预料的改变,而且需要更进一步按照用户的需求来定制。

  • Third the conditionality must be flexible – unanticipated shocks should not trigger fiscal adjustments in future .

    第三,条件限制必须灵活, 意料之外的冲击不应引发未来的财政调整。

  • These days people often tell me that some of their most unforgettable experiences of places are disturbingly painful and have to do with unanticipated loss .

    最近,人们常常告诉我一些他们对某个街头巷尾最难以忘怀的感受,他们的感受常常是痛苦不安的, 又不得不忍受 这种出人 预料的失落。

  • Research into circadian rhythms has led to the discovery of a new and unanticipated molecular cog in the human body clock .

    对生理节律的研究,发现了人体生物钟上一个 预料 的新分子齿轮。

  • But that requires that the crisis be largely unanticipated by market participants .

    但这要求危机完全出乎市场参与者的 预料

  • We must also learn how to prepare for the unthinkable and unanticipated .

    我们还必须学会如何为无法想象和 无法 预测之事做好准备。

  • Two days later the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces bringing even more unanticipated events .

    二天之后,太阳和天王星将会在带来更 预料 的事件的双鱼座结合。

  • How have unanticipated factors affected the project ?

    未能 预测的因素如何影响项目?

  • Unanticipated inflation would erode the real value of wages making workers cheaper to hire .

    预料的通货膨胀会降低工资的实际 购买力,使得雇佣工人的价格更便宜。

  • How do you deal with unanticipated expenses ? Can you give an example ?

    您如何处理 那些 意料之外的费用?请举例说明。

  • What happens next will first surprise you and then bring completely unanticipated delight .

    接下来会发生什么事,第一,你感到惊讶,然后将完全 意想不到的喜悦。

  • Exchange risk is the effect that unanticipated exchange rate changes have on the value of the firm .

    外汇风险是 意料之外的汇率变动对公司价值的影响作用效果。

  • Unanticipated errors : These are errors that occur in your application due to unexpected conditions such as a programming or data error .


  • But within days unanticipated developments would force you to make changes .

    但是最近 这些天, 预料的发展事态将迫使你改变 计划

  • In a variety of countries such as Sudan Myanmar and Venezuela the behavior of Chinese state-owned firms and banks has arguably created unanticipated and unwanted foreign policy headaches .

    在很多国家,比如苏丹、缅甸和委内瑞拉,中国国有企业和银行的行为可以说带来了 意外和多余的外交政策难题。

  • These programs had unanticipated and often questionable political side effects .

    这些计划在政治上产生了 一些 预料 的,往往成问题的副作用。

  • Were there additional unanticipated ones or ones you anticipated that weren 't supported by data ?

    这些 变量是额外附加, 开始没有 预料的?还是预料到了,但却是 缺乏数据支持的?

  • The term cardiac arrest may be defined as an unexplained and unanticipated cessation of cardiac activity .

    心博骤停一词可以下定义为原因不明, 没有 先兆的心脏活动停止。

  • Older men more likely to have heart or blood pressure problems as well as erectile dysfunctions are not the only ones that suffer unanticipated side effects of herbal pills .

    老年人更容易出现心脏或血压的问题以及勃起功能障碍,他们和很多人一样,深受草本壮阳药 预料的副作用之苦。

  • Academic entrepreneurs see entrepreneurship as an exciting and challenging activity stretching their research into unanticipated ways .

    学者型企业家将创业视为一项令人兴奋、且富于挑战性的活动,将自身研究延伸到 未曾 预见 领域

  • But then something really interesting and completely unanticipated happened before I got there .

    但在当时,在我实现之前,确实发生了有趣的和没 想到的事。

  • This unanticipated illness occurred weeks ago .

    这个病几周前就 发作了。

  • Soon after the first trials of Digital Power line in the UK some unanticipated problems arose .

    在数字式输电线以后第一次试验在英国,一些 意外的问题出现了。

  • The kiss of death is for investors to find unanticipated competition you neglected to mention .

    如果投资者 意外发现了 创业 之前没有提及的竞争,交易也会 果而终, 突然死亡。

  • The crisis must thus be unanticipated .

    因此,这场危机应该在 意料之外

  • Luck in the form of sheer unanticipated market demand also played a key role .

    运气完全 没有 预想 的市场需求也在其中起到了关键因素。

  • As a result structure-based classifications can be effective at identifying unanticipated relationships in known structures and in optimal cases function can also be assigned .

    因此,基于结构的分类能够有效地识别在已知结构中 预料的关系,及在优化案例中的功能也能够被分配。

  • Yet it has generated entirely unanticipated social and business behavior .

    但是它产生了完全 预料 的社会和业务行为。

  • This increases the chance of errors resulting from unanticipated side effects being caught earlier .

    这增加了由于先前发现的 预料 的一面的影响而引起的犯错误的几率。

  • This would bring an abundance of unanticipated features and services .

    这将催生大量 意想不到的功能和服务。