


  • The unashamed pursuit of money .

    对金钱 无耻的追求。

  • He looked at her with unashamed curiosity .

    肆无忌惮 好奇 着她。

  • That is because Europe has come under the spell of American neoliberalism with its unashamed celebration of monopolies in the name of consumer welfare and market efficiency .

    这是因为,欧洲已被美国的新自由主义所迷惑了&新自由主义打出消费者福祉和市场效率的幌子, 厚颜无耻 赞美垄断。

  • Having made a fortune they led a dissipated and unashamed life .

    他们发财 之后 荒淫无耻的生活。

  • The last unashamed WASP to live in the White House was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and he with his penchant for the reform of American society was considered by many a traitor to his social class .

    最后一 心安理得 住进了白宫的WASP是富兰克林・德拉诺・罗斯福(FranklinDelanoRoosevelt),而他因为倾向于改革美国社会而被很多人视为背叛了他的社会阶层。

  • They are sensual with an unashamed violence that leaves you breathless .

    它们是 肉感的, 简直 大胆不顾 廉耻 地方你看了目瞪口呆。

  • The unashamed vulgarity of the house was quite unexpected .

    那栋房子 俗不可耐是十分意想不到。

  • They alighted on the floor quite unashamed of themselves and the youngest one had already forgotten his home .

    他们落到了地板上,一点 懂得 惭愧,最小的一个,甚至忘记了他的这个家。

  • We advocate commercial reputation and morality as to fulfill the desire FOR unashamed pleasure .

    崇尚商誉商德,以 得到 问心无愧的满足。

  • 2 tim . 2:15 be diligent to present yourself approved to god an unashamed workman cutting straight the word of the truth .

    提后二15你当竭力将自己呈献神前,得蒙称许, 无愧的工人,正直 分解真理的话。

  • There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance of sheer unashamed ecstasy .

    里面是亨利爵士,他 乱跳像在跳部落出征的舞蹈, 表示 毫无 顾忌 真正的快乐。

  • But Jonathan Livingston Seagull unashamed stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve-slowing slowing and stalling once more-was no ordinary bird .

    但是乔纳森并不觉得丢脸,他再一次展开 双翅,依旧颤抖着使劲弯曲&一点、一点地放慢速度,又一次失去平衡一一他不是只平凡的鸟。

  • Mr Brealey predicts that we may be at a turning-point with a possible imminent return of the unashamed management book .

    布莱雷预言,我们可能正处于一个转折点, 大胆的管理书籍可能即将回归。

  • The glorious thing about almodovar 's films is their unashamed amorality .

    阿尔莫多瓦的电影可怕之处是其 肆无忌惮的非道德性。

  • I grinned at him in unashamed delight .

    我高兴地朝他笑了笑,一 觉得 难为情

  • Although unashamed he admitted that he had made a severe mistake .

    虽然 问心无愧的,但是他承认他 了严重的错误。

  • Golden Ghale shifts blame to somebody else brings changing of the life and death to the human disaster of the blood light he calmly is actually unashamed .

    金格尔嫁祸于人,给人带来生死之变,血光之灾,他却若无其事, 羞惭

  • A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed trying to hear .

    可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就 毫无 顾忌 探身 竖起 耳朵去听。