


  • I did it unaided . You Can 't Do It All - Learning To Delegate .


  • Inez climbed into the cab unaided .

    没有人扶她, 伊内兹自己钻进了那辆汽车。

  • My unaided eyes are unable to read a book at a distance of more than four inches .


  • Often yarns are too fine to allow the unaided eyes to discern the twist direction .

    纱线通常因为太细使得 肉眼 识别其捻向。

  • For weeks all of the urgent assistance operations were carried out unaided by volunteer health workers .

    在好几个星期中,所有的紧急援助行动都由志愿卫生工作者在 外援 情况 开展。

  • Could man 's unaided reason discern the laws that governed matter .

    是否可以 启示 理性来了解物质的定律?

  • Babies are usually able to hold a bottle unaided from around six months .

    一般来说,婴儿要到六个月 左右才能 依靠 任何 帮助 自己 握紧一个瓶子。

  • He wasn 't content to sit and watch but he couldn 't stand unaided on the soft sand .

    他不 甘心坐在那里看,但在松软的沙滩上他 自己又站不起来。

  • Unlike them we had it in our unaided power to match Soviet arms and to thwart Soviet adventures .

    我们与他们不同,我们能够 别人 援助 独力抗衡苏联的军事力量和阻挡苏联的冒险。

  • After his accident he was barely able to dress or go to the toilet unaided .

    这次事故后, 如果 没有 别人帮助,他就几乎不能穿衣服或上 厕所

  • Four months to the day Ralph finally stood unaided .

    到今天就四个月了,拉尔夫终于 独立地站立起来。

  • Gross crystalline imperfections like twinning are apparent to the unaided eye .

    粗的晶体不完整性,如孪生体 可用 肉眼看出。

  • Large enough to be perceived or examined by the unaided eye .

    肉眼 可见的大到可以 肉眼观察或 辨别的。

  • We have unaided complete ability to research design & develop products can supply customers suitable products .

    具有 独立、完善的产品研究、设计、开发能力,可为客户提供合适的产品。

  • He is unable to walk unaided .

    他不能 独力行走。

  • This fungus can just be detected by the unaided eye .

    这种真菌 只用 肉眼就能检查出。

  • He captured a lion unaided by anyone .


  • She brought us up completely unaided .

    完全是她一 把我们 拉扯 的。

  • He can now walk unaided .

    他现在能 独自行走了。

  • There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided

    之前至少已经有过13次想 独立到达北极的尝试。

  • The existence of God can be proved by the unaided reason .

    上帝的存在可以用 不言而喻的理由来证明。

  • Some stars are quite visible to the unaided eye .

    有些星星 肉眼都看得很清楚。

  • We 're approaching the third year of liquidity support and still the market cannot survive unaided .

    我们在接近第三年的流动性支持,市场仍无法在 没有 援助 情况 生存。

  • Patients recover slowly over a number of days but remain ataxic with many unable to walk unaided .

    病人恢复缓慢,要经过若干天,但恢复后仍会出现共济失调,许多患者不能 独立行走。

  • Two aircraft had to land unaided last month here in Washington after the controller there nodded off .

    上个月,在华盛顿, 由于 领航 打瞌睡,两架飞机在没有 任何 指导 情况下降落。

  • Samples quite invisible to the unaided eye .


  • If mucus plugs became very watery your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out .

    如果堵塞住的黏液变稀,你的痰有时会 自主上朝着可以吐出来的方向浮动。

  • Relating to observations made by the unaided eye .

    与用 肉眼进行的观察有关的。

  • Inclusions in I1 diamonds often are seen to the unaided eye .

    I1等级的钻石常含有 肉眼可见的内含物。