

  • A Unicode supplementary character is specified using a surrogate pair .

    使用一个替代对指定 Unicode补充字符。

  • These numbers represent a Unicode character not a character in the code page of the input message .

    这些数字表示一个 Unicode字符,而不是输入消息的代码页中的一个字符。

  • TDS tags can now contain unicode characters and hexadecimal character mnemonics .

    TDS标记现在可以包含 Unicode字符和十六进制字符助记符。

  • Certain Unicode characters cannot be included in XML .

    某些 Unicode字符并没有包含在XML中。

  • I didn 't discuss them in this article but Python provides excellent support for Unicode strings .

    我在本文中没有讨论这些字符串类型,但Python对 Unicode字符串提供了很好的支持。

  • That means Unicode tables in non-Unicode databases can store strings only in UTF-8 encoding .

    这意味着 Unicode数据库中的Unicode表只能存储UTF-8编码的字符串。

  • For example select UTF-8 if your SAP system is a Unicode system .

    例如,如果您的SAP系统是 Unicode系统,则要选择UTF-8。

  • No other encoding of Unicode boasts such broad tool support among both XML and non-XML tools .

    在XML和非XML工具中,没有其他 Unicode编码拥有这样广泛的工具支持。

  • You cannot define a table with an ASCII code page in a Unicode database .

    您无法在 Unicode数据库中用ASCII代码页定义表。

  • You need to create the Unicode database as a new database using code set UTF-8 first .

    需要先创建一个使用编码集UTF-8的新 Unicode数据库。

  • Unicode support in Perl as of5.6.0 is a step in the right direction .

    Perl5.6.0中对 Unicode的支持无疑是向正确的方向迈进了一步。

  • Most XML parsers provide routines for manipulating Unicode characters .

    多数XML解析器都提供了操纵 Unicode字符的例程。

  • The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment .

    此消息中含有 统一 的字符,已经以二进制附件的形式发送出去了。

  • Must only contain Unicode letters underscore characters and Unicode digits .

    必须只包含 Unicode字母、下划线和Unicode数字。

  • These include most control characters and single characters from Unicode surrogate pairs .

    这些字符包括大多数的控制字符和 Unicode代理对(surrogatepair)中的单个字符。

  • In a Unicode database all the tables store character data using the Unicode encoding scheme .


  • Support for Unicode is embedded into both the kernel and the code development libraries .


  • The XML parser converts whatever the document is written in to Unicode strings and char arrays .

    XML解析器对任何写入到 Unicode字符串和字符数组中的文档进行转换。

  • We can find it in Unicode chart table ( Range : 0400-04FF ) .

    Unicode 字符表中我们能找到了它(范围:0400-04FF)。

  • Readers and writers are high level interfaces to support unicode characters in I / O operations .

    读取器和写入器是在I/O操作中支持 unicode字符的高级接口。

  • Several encodings are used for Unicode : the two most popular are UTF-8 and UTF-16 .

    有几种编码可用于 Unicode:最为常用的两个是UTF-8和UTF-16。

  • The CPAN module archive has many Unicode-related modules .

    CPANmodulearchive 有很多 Unicode 有关的模块。

  • It has a Unicode string type and an array type .

    它有一个 Unicode的字符串类型和数组类型。

  • Unicode encodings and algorithms are used for internal and external communications in the AIX system .

    AIX系统中的内部和外部通信使用 Unicode编码和算法。

  • UTF-8 is not a double byte format-but it is a standard encoding of Unicode !

    UTF-8并不是一种双字节格式,但它是一种标准的 Unicode编码!

  • Therefore recognizing Unicode characters appears to work well with embedded generated and command-line data .

    因此,对于 Unicode字符的识别就可以很好地处理内嵌的数据、生成的数据以及命令行数据了。

  • This approach requires the data to be available in XML format with Unicode encoding .

    这种方法需要以 Unicode编码的XML格式提供数据。

  • However not every font includes a representation for each Unicode character .

    但是,并不是每种字体都包含每个 Unicode字符的表示。

  • A code page required for character translation to and from Unicode is not installed on this computer .

    此计算机上没有安装其他字符与 unicode 字符进行转换所需的代码页。

  • Some toolkits were unable to parse the Unicode byte order mark sent by other toolkits .

    有些工具包不能对其它工具包发送过来的 Unicode字节顺序标志进行语法分析。