


  • Ultrabasic rock alkali olivine basalt magma

    岩, 基性岩碱性橄榄玄武岩岩浆

  • Ultrabasic rocks have a silica content less than 45 % . Peridotite is the typical intrusive rock which consists of olivine and pyroxene .


  • Basic-and ultrabasic magma-related ore deposit ;

    6与基性- 基性岩有关岩浆矿床;

  • With the Erhai fault zone as a boundary they are mainly basic and ultrabasic rocks in the east side trachyte in the west side .

    以洱海断裂带为界,东侧主要为 基性岩,西侧主要为粗面岩。

  • The ultrabasic bodies are generally concordant intrusions with related feeder dikes .


  • The increase of sulfur chemical activities in ultrabasic magmatic processes is directly related to its alkalinity .


  • The Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Mineralization Assessment of Ultrabasic Rocks

    多元统计分析在 岩体 评价中的应用

  • Many ultrabasic bodies in the orogenic association occur along strike faults which gives a simulated concordant relationship .

    与造山 运动共生的许多 岩体沿着走向断层出露,表现出假的整合关系。

  • The ultrabasic rocks form a complex of large tectonic slices with intercalated slices of Sebakwian sedimentary rocks .


  • Further imbrication folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .


  • Jianchaling gold deposit is closed related to the Jianchaling ultrabasic rock mass .

    产出部位与 基性岩有关,属构造蚀变岩型金矿床。

  • In an ultrabasic rocks in North Jiangsu corundum was first discovered and some was up to gem grade .

    苏北 某地 基性岩中,首次发现了红刚玉,少量已达宝石级。

  • Solid Surface Chemiluminescence Analysis ⅲ . Microdetermination of Chromium in Ultrabasic Rock and Steel

    固体表面化学发光分析Ⅲ. 基性岩和钢中铬的微量测定

  • The ultrabasic rocks of Mesozoic Caenozoic era have been found in the northeastern Jiangxi Province . Stratigraphic Classification Correlation and Distribution of Mesozoic in the Eastern Part of North China ;

    赣东北地区发现有中-新生代 基性岩

  • Magmatic inclusions were first found in the Jinchuan copper-nickel-bearing ultrabasic intrusion by the authors .

    作者首次于金川含铜镍 岩体中发现了岩浆包裹体。

  • This paper introduces the petrographical petrochemical transitional metal elements and REE geochemical characteristics of alkali ultrabasic volcanic rocks from Lixian area Gansu province and discusses the petrogenesis .

    本文介绍了甘肃礼县地区碱性 火山岩的岩相学、岩石化学、过渡金属元素和稀土元素地球化学特征并探讨了其岩石成因。

  • Characteristics of Trace Elements for the Ultrabasic Rocks of Ophiolite in the Western Part of the North Qilian and Its Geological Significance

    北祁连西段蛇绿岩 基性岩微量元素特征及其地质意义

  • The progress of study on the Metallogenetic specialization of Ultrabasic Rocks


  • Ultrabasic rock Basic suite consists of tholeiite and alkali-basalt .


  • Ultrabasic rock super high altitude flight

    基性岩超高空飞行 高空飞行

  • With occurrences of massive and taxitic type ⅱ eclogite occurs associated with ultrabasic rocks ;

    Ⅱ类榴辉岩,与 基性岩相伴,矿石主要呈块状和斑杂状;

  • The Petrographic and Petrochemical Characteristics of the Mantle Fluid Metasomatism ; Further imbrication folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .

    地幔流体交代作用的岩相学和岩石化学特征 基性岩的进一步叠瓦作用,褶曲和交代作用发生于这个时期。

  • Circum pacific calc alkaline petrographic province ultrabasic rock

    环太平洋钙碱性 岩石

  • A skarn iron deposit related to the ultrabasic rock

    一个与 基性岩有关的矽卡岩铁矿

  • Summing up and analysing the previous data on ultrabasic and basic rocks this paper sets forth the distribution occurrence rock type and geochemistry etc.

    笔者对 四川 北部震旦基底 基性岩资料进行了一次清理,在此基础上阐述了科马提岩的分布、产状、岩石类型、地球化学等。

  • Acidic magmatic hydrothermal solution in 400 my not only causes metamorphism of the ultrabasic rock but also dissolves part of gold which is scattered in the ultrabasic rock .

    400Ma时活动的中酸性岩浆热液不仅使 基性岩变质,而且使呈分散状态存在于超基性岩中的金一部分 活化进入热液形成 矿热液。

  • How to define the age of the west Dayanchi ultrabasic rocks East Tianshan Xinjiang has long been questionable because of lack of reliable isotope age data .

    大盐池西 基性岩一直缺乏可靠的年龄资料,因此时代厘定一直存在疑问。

  • Effect of hydration of ultrabasic rock on mechanical properties in deep mining of Jinchuan

    金川深部 基性岩水化作用及对力学性能影响

  • Field geological survey and geochemistry indicate that the metamorphic ultrabasic rock in Jifeng area of the north Da Hinggan Ling Mountains is komatiite with spinifex texture .

    野外地质调查和室内岩石学研究表明,大兴安岭北段吉峰林场一带变质 基性岩为具有典型鬣刺结构的科马提岩。

  • Jianchaling gold deposit belongs to micro disseminated tectonic altered rock type which has genetic relationship with ultrabasic rock .

    煎茶岭金矿床属于与 基性岩有成因联系的微细浸染状构造蚀变岩型金矿床。