


  • The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional

    摩尔达维亚议会已宣布选举 违宪

  • Opponents denounced the decree as undemocratic and unconstitutional .

    反对派抨击该法令是不民主的、 违反 宪法的。

  • The appeal court rule that the action of the attorney general is unconstitutional .

    上诉法院裁定,检察总长的行为是 违反 宪法的。

  • A federal appeals court in Atlanta ruled that the law 's requirement that everyone must buy insurance is unconstitutional .

    亚特兰大的一家联邦上诉法院指出,法律规定的每个人必须购买保险是 违反 宪法 规定的。

  • Tomorrow a federal judge will decide if a Virginia electoral law is unconstitutional .

    一名联邦法官将决定明天维吉尼亚的一个选举法是否 违反 宪法

  • The United Stats Supreme Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972 .

    美国最高法院在1972年宣布,死刑是 违反 宪法的。

  • President Bush is criticizing a Federal Court ruling that calls his wireless wiretapping program unconstitutional .

    布什总统是在批评联邦法院裁决,称他的无线窃听是 违反 宪法的。

  • The Supreme Court ruled the ban unconstitutional in 1996 .

    1996年,最高法院裁定该禁令 违宪

  • He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government .

    他说,南部非洲发展共同体决不会接受通过 违宪 手段让一个民选政府交出权力。

  • Now a federal judge in California has ruled it unconstitutional .

    目前,加州联邦法官裁定该 违宪

  • But in 1935 the Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional .

    可是到了1935年,最高法院判决此项法律为 违宪

  • That way demographic pressures on social security and Medicare would be unconstitutional and hence contained .

    如此一来,人口构成对社保(socialsecurity)和medicare的压力就是 违宪的,所以会得到遏制。

  • They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional .

    他们就规定死刑的法规是否 违宪进行争论。

  • The court struck down the law as unconstitutional .

    法院以 不合 宪法取消了这条法律。

  • Applying constitution by court doesn t conflict with the absence of the right for unconstitutional review from court .

    法院适用宪法与法院不享有 违宪审查权并不矛盾。

  • Critics of the GPL claim that the license is unconstitutional .

    GPL的反对者认为该许可是 违反 宪法的。

  • Banning cigarette advertising would be unconstitutional since selling cigarettes is legal .

    既然出售香烟是合法的,那么禁止做香烟广告就是 违宪的。

  • A Kentucky Sheriff has said he will not enforce any unconstitutional new gun laws .

    一位肯塔基州的治安官表示,他将不会执行任何“ 违宪的”新枪支管制法律。

  • The Supreme Court as final arbiter of the Constitution can overturn legislative acts or executive orders if it finds them to be unconstitutional .

    身为宪法最后仲裁者的最高法院,如果发现法令或是行政命令 违宪,可以将其推翻。

  • The country 's two main political parties face possible dissolution for unconstitutional behaviour .

    该国的两个主要政党由于 违宪行为面临解散的危险。

  • A provincial magistrates ' court last week ruled it unconstitutional

    一家省级地方法院上周裁定其 违宪

  • A three-judge district court ruled that the comptroller general 's role in the process was unconstitutional .

    三位法官组成地方法院的判决中指出,总审计长的过程中的作用是 违宪的。

  • This can include excessive uses of force as well as biased policing and unconstitutional searches and seizures .

    这包括过度使用暴力以及有偏见的侦讯和 违反 宪法的搜查及扣押。

  • To the extent any statute or agency action is found to be unconstitutional it is invalid .

    当法令或机构行为被发现到了 违反 宪法的程度,它就是无效的。

  • They were common until the Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional .

    在最高法院裁决这种 做法 违宪前,这种 现象很普遍。

  • The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional

    联邦最高法院一致裁定学校实行的种族隔离 措施 违反 宪法

  • To be specific the Supreme Court finds fault with certains laws and declare them unconstitutional .

    具体说来就是,最高法院会找特定法律的茬,宣布它们是 违宪的。

  • But an NPC spokesman said consensus about the law had emerged and it was wrong to call it unconstitutional .

    但人大的发言人说,舆论已对此项法案已经形成了达成共识,说它 违宪是错误的。

  • The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth

    反对派争辩说新委员会不但 违反 宪法,而且没有效力