ultimate recovery

[ˈʌltəmɪt rɪˈkʌvəri][ˈʌltimit riˈkʌvəri]


  • Author has also designed a horizontal well and has finished reserve calculation predication of productivity factor ultimate recovery calculation economic evaluation through establishing geological model of target and applying the geological design soft of horizontal well .

    通过建立目的层地质模型,利用水平井设计软件进行水平井设计,并完成了储量计算、产能预测、 最终 收率计算及经济评价。

  • Development scheme is a critical parameter to influence the ultimate recovery factor of super heavy oil .

    开发方式是决定一个油田 最终 采收率的关键参数。

  • But by reason of formation 's anisotropy and the deficiency of natural water energy for the sake of improving displacing efficiency sustaining formation energy and enhancing the ultimate recovery most of reservoir should supplement the artificial water injection .

    但国内外大部分油藏都因地层的非均质性和天然水体能量的不足,为了改善驱替效率和维持地层能量,提高油藏 最终 收率,必须辅以人工注水。

  • The water free oil production period should be prolonged the ultimate recovery factor should be enhanced and a better economic profit would be gotten in oilfield development .

    将这一规律应用于油田开发中,在实施压裂措施及制定注采井网时考虑地应力的分布状态,将延长无水采油期和提高 最终 收率,使油田开发取得较好的经济效益。

  • Application of horizontal well has been developing towards the direction of running the operations at scale in oil regions . It takes important role in re-development of new and old oil field to improve developing melioration and the ultimate recovery rate .

    水平井应用已在我国各油区向整体规模化方向发展,在新油田开发和老油田二次开发,改善开发效果,提高 最终 收率方面已经和正在发挥重要作用。

  • The successful tests not only have provided an effective approach for a late oil recovery method changed from cyclic steam stimulation of medium viscous oil reservoir but also have provided a new way to improve ultimate recovery factor of medium viscous oil reservoirs .

    此项工艺技术的试验成功不仅为中质稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐热采后期的开采方式转换提供了有效途径,同时为中质稠油油藏提高 最终 收率提供了新的方法。

  • At present China s major oil fields are entering a period of high water extraction stage and it needs to tap the potential use of a variety of measures and technical measures in order to improve the ultimate recovery and protect oil fields to develop steadily .

    目前我国的主要油田都进入了高含水期开采阶段,需要采用各种挖潜措施和技术手段,来提高 最终 收率,保障油田稳产。

  • Because of its geology and displacing agent behavior the water-free recovery and ultimate recovery will be high .

    且因其地质与驱替剂特点,这类油藏无水采收率和 最终 采收 都较高。

  • This technology can improve reservoir condition and ultimate recovery factor .

    应用 本源 微生物驱油技术可以改善油藏条件,提高原油 最终 收率

  • After the water flooding leave plenty of residual oil and the ultimate recovery is low it is always a radial flow development mode of one of the biggest drawbacks .

    水驱过后留下大量剩余油, 最终 采收 较低,这始终是径向流开发模式的一个最大弊端。

  • And the study of bottom water reservoir engineering is to determine the development of horizontal wells to optimize production systems improve the ultimate recovery purposes .

    而底水油藏工程研究,可以确定水平井开发指标,达到优化生产制度、提高 最终 采收 的目的。

  • The application of integrated reservoir management has effectively improved ultimate recovery factor of the reservoir as well as development benefit .

    综合油藏管理的应用,有效地提高了透镜状水驱气藏的 最终 收率,大大提高了气藏的开发效益。

  • They have purchased many portfolios from state-owned banks over the past two to three years at prices that very well may reflect the ultimate recovery value of the underlying loans said Mr Osborn .

    欧兆邦表示:过去两三年中,四大国有资产管理公司从国有银行买入了许多坏账组合,其价格也许反映了标的贷款的 最终 回收价值。

  • Conclusion The effective measures of reducing remaining oil improving steam flooding efficiency and ultimate recovery factor are to perfect well pattern and infill well spacing ;

    结论完善井网和加密井距调整,是减少剩余油,改善蒸汽驱效果和提高 最终 采收率的有效措施;

  • The result shows the oil composition and pore structure have a strong effect on the rate of self adsorption and ultimate recovery .

    研究结果表明,原油组分、孔隙结构对自吸速度及 最终 采收 有较强影响。

  • Block well pattern has great effect on block ultimate recovery .

    区块井网对 油藏合理 开采及区块 最终 采收 有非常重要的影响。

  • Effect of the absolute permeability manifests mainly in the early period with a little effect on the ultimate recovery .

    绝对渗透率的影响主要在早期,但对 最终 采收 影响较小。

  • Hydraulic fracturing is the important measures to increase production of oil and gas wells to increase production and injection wells by injection is to increase the ultimate recovery of oil and gas reservoirs and powerful means of development effect .

    水力压裂是油气井增产和注水井增注的重要增产措施,是提高油气藏 最终 收率和开发效果的有力手段。

  • While the injection rate and various combinations have little effect on the ultimate recovery rate .

    注入速度和不同段塞组合,对 最终 采收率影响不大。

  • Currently commingling production is far lower than slice mining production which has reduced the ultimate recovery and seriously affects the long-term stable production .

    目前,多层合采时产量远远低于分层开采时的产量,降低了 最终 收率,严重影响了长期稳产。

  • It is not only an extension to the theories and methods of numerical simulation of naturally fractured reservoirs but also has certain important guiding significance for the accurate prediction and improvement of the ultimate recovery rate of such reservoirs .

    这不仅是对天然裂缝性油藏数值模拟理论和方法的进一步扩展,而且对此类油藏开发动态的准确预测和 最终 采收率的有效提高有着重要的指导意义。

  • This paper offered the essential parameters for determining reasonable productivity and ultimate recovery efficiency of gas condensate field .

    为凝析气田合理产能、 最终 采收率的确定提供必要的参数。

  • Therefore to enhance the development effects economical benefit and ultimate recovery of it is the most important task of engineers .

    因此,进一步提高开发效果和经济效益及 最终 采收 是油田开发首要任务。

  • The research achievements are of great significance in increasing the ultimate recovery ratio .

    本文研究成果对提高产水 气田 最终 采收率有着重要的指导意义。

  • Using possibly most informations to overall and systematically make a comprehensive study and evaluation on oil and gas reservoirs is a prerequisite to raise the ultimate recovery factor .

    利用尽可能多的信息,全面系统地对油气藏进行综合研究和评价,是提高 最终 采收率的前提。

  • The same conviction had stricken him as me from the instant he beheld her that there was no prospect of ultimate recovery there & she was fated sure to die .

    他一看见她,就跟我同样地确信,她是没有 最后 复原的希望了&她命中注定,一定要死了。

  • The physical and mathematical model which were built up to describe and characterize the dynamic variety of reservoir macro-parameters along with oilfield development will advance oilfield management level and ultimate recovery factor effectively .

    建立描述和表征储层宏观参数随油田开发过程发生动态变化的物理和数学模型,可有效提高油田管理水平及 最终 收率

  • Moreover the application of this technology in suitable area is of importance for improving producing degree and ultimate recovery factor of super heavy oil reserves .

    同时在条件具备的区域选用该项技术,对提高超稠油储量动用程度、提高 最终 采收率也有着积极的意义。

  • However the difference of ultimate recovery is not very great .

    最终 采收 相差并不是非常大。

  • The fracture azimuth will change the flood response time and then change the ultimate recovery .

    不同的裂缝方位会改变注水的受效时间,并改变 最终 收率