


  • Pulling faces running around in circles being generally uncool are all part of a day 's work .

    扯着脸做鬼脸、转着圈跑动、总是 做出 傻里傻气 样子都是 整天的工作内容。

  • This may come as a relief for Canadians who are sometimes viewed as chronically uncool .

    这也许对于加拿大人来说是个宽慰,因为在某些人看来,加拿大人 一直

  • A third theory is that big tech is simply uncool & that not only is profit growth for these companies slowing not only are their traditional markets are drying up but their brands repel investors .

    第三种理论是大型科技 缺乏 吸引力&它们不仅利润增速放缓,传统市场萎缩,而且它们的品牌也已令投资者厌烦。

  • Raw fish has become a symbol of modernity and sophistication ; conversely squealing yuck to cold tuna is profoundly uncool .

    生鱼已成为新派和精致生活的标志;相反,面对着冰冷的金枪鱼片尖叫讨厌的一幕,已非常 落伍

  • This song is so uncool .

    这首歌 是太 了。

  • When a few people within a social circle decide that smoking is uncool suddenly the remaining smokers are outcasts .

    当一个社会圈中的几个人决定抽烟 戒烟时,剩余的吸烟者一下子 就会感到孤单 存。

  • I remember wondering briefly whether sexism was as bad as racism but my anger at Richard was quickly eclipsed by something more profound : the sense of being uncool .

    我记得当时我 确实想了 一会儿,性别歧视是否跟种族主义一样糟糕。不过,我对理查德的愤怒很快被 一件更深刻的事情 下去 :那就是感觉 缺乏 自控

  • I realize it was kind of uncool of me but it 's not that big a deal .

    我知道我太 激动了,但是这没什么大不了的。

  • The uploaded pictures have messages of support for Noah to show him that there is nothing uncool about wearing glasses .

    上传的照片都向诺亚证明了:戴眼镜丝毫没有不 地方

  • Results show that thin film prepared by ion beam reactive sputtering and electron beam evaporation can perfectly meet the demand of interconnection in the fabrication of uncool infrared focal plane array .

    测试表明,通过离子束反应溅射和电子束蒸发沉积的薄膜满足 制冷红外焦平面的互连要求。

  • I 'm always home . I 'm uncool .

    我随时都在家, 因为

  • Trying to teach children simply to reject drugs as uncool ( Larry Martz )

    教孩子们简单地把毒品斥为不合道德习俗或标准的(拉里 马茨

  • And as the pair bantered on stage the television cameras panned to Jolie perhaps hoping to see her glaring at the woman who recently described her as really uncool .

    当两人在台上打趣时,场内的摄像机镜头立马对准了茱丽,可能是希望看到她怒视曾评价她“不 厚道”的安妮斯顿时的 模样

  • Totally uncool parents who obviously don 't love teenage son selling his car .

    完全 冷静的父母明显不爱自己的儿子,将他的车出让。