


  • With uncontrollable excitements we began this journey of surprising discovery .

    带着有些 按捺不住的激动,我们开始了这段惊现之旅!

  • William was seized with uncontrollable rage

    威廉 怒不可遏

  • I also have bout of uncontrollable coughing .

    我还一 阵阵的咳嗽, 难以 控制

  • It had been a time of almost uncontrollable excitement

    那是一个几乎 难以 抑制亢奋的时期。

  • The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter .

    听众忍 发出一 阵阵笑声。

  • These days investors and businesses know that the world can sometimes be a profoundly unpredictable and uncontrollable place .

    如今,投资者和企业明白,世界有时会完全不可预测和 无法 控制

  • Uncontrollable children grow into young criminals .

    任性 放肆的孩子会变成年轻的罪犯。

  • His presence gives me uncontrollable joy almost as if he were my sun .

    他的出现给我带来 无比的快乐,他差不多是我的小太阳。

  • Signs include uncontrollable shaking unusually slow breathing and difficulty thinking clearly .

    症状包括 控制的痉挛,非正常的呼吸缓慢和不能清晰地思考等。

  • Violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles .

    猛烈而 无法 控制的肌肉收缩。

  • When studying macbeth people usually ascribe to the external environment human factors even uncontrollable destiny .

    人们在研究《麦克白》时,一般将麦克白悲剧归结于外在环境、人为因素甚或 驾驭的命运。

  • A sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition .


  • Uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room .

    屋子里一半的人中就爆发出 控制 的愤怒的叫喊。

  • This was uncontrollable laughter that brought pain to the stomach and blood to the face and slight suffocation .

    这笑声不是那种老师说了个笑话而引起的有礼貌、有 节制的笑,而是肆无忌惮、 无法 节制的狂笑,是那种搞得人们肚子痛、满脸通红又喘 过气来的大笑。

  • He does not get angry when things dont go his way or when uncontrollable events occur .

    当事情不按他想的方式发展或当 无法 控制的事情发生时,他并不生气。

  • You could damage organs or trigger uncontrollable bleeding .

    这会损害你的器官,或者 控制的血液外流。

  • Uncertain because of uncontrollable circumstances .

    因为 控制的环境而不确定。

  • Mark was withdrawn and uncontrollable

    马克沉默寡言, 难以 管束

  • Uncontrollable anger surged up when he saw what had been done to his painting .

    当他看见自己的画被糟踏了时, 难以克制的愤怒涌上心头。

  • If political and ethnic problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable .

    如果政治和民族问题得不到解决,局面可能会 失控

  • I was suddenly overcome with an uncontrollable desire to hit him .

    我突然被一种要揍他的欲望 左右了。

  • Affected with palsy or uncontrollable tremor .

    受中风影响或 无法 控制的颤抖。

  • Sneezing is a reflex which means that it 's an uncontrollable physical response to an outside stimulus .

    打喷嚏是反射,也说它是生理对外界环境的反应, 控制

  • In this view mans weak will and uncontrollable destiny form her pessimistic outlook on life .

    相应地,人的意志力量的脆弱、命运的 深不可测构成了张爱玲悲观的人生观。

  • They are the external or uncontrollable factors .

    它们是外在, 无法 控制的因素。

  • The sudden uncontrollable note of fear in her voice .

    她声音中 那种突如其来 无法 控制的恐惧声调。

  • A fit of uncontrollable laughing or crying .

    一阵 无法 控制的哭或笑。

  • He burst into uncontrollable laughter at something I 'd said .

    听了我的话,他 大笑起来。

  • She 's a wild uncontrollable girl but that new school should knock some sense into her .

    她是个很 听话的女孩儿,那所新学校应该能管管她了。

  • Occasionally his behavior became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket .

    他的行为偶尔会变得如此 失控,不得不给他穿上约束服。