umbrella effect

[ʌmˈbrɛlə ɪˈfɛkt][ʌmˈbrelə iˈfekt]


  • Umbrella supporting bone marrow cells and graft necrosis of femoral head can be effectively treated to restore its biomechanical properties preventing femoral head collapse to good effect . 2 .

    结论1.骨髓细胞和 伞状支持骨移植术可以有效治疗股骨头坏死,恢复其生物力学性能,防止股骨头塌陷, 效果良好。

  • Origins of law specially refer to all appearing forms of laws that is umbrella name of law including all kinds of standard legal documents which are made and approved by different state organs and which have different legal effect and status .

    法的渊源专指法的各种表现形式,即由不同国家机关制定或认可的,具有不同法律 效力和法律地位的各种类别的规范法法律文件的 总称

  • The final effect of Mesozoic volcanic eruptions in this area on the surface temperature has been studied on the basis of the estimations of the Umbrella Effect and Greenhouse Effect respectively .

    在分别研究了本区火山喷发导致的 阳伞 效应与温室效应的基础上,探讨了该区火山喷发对地表温度的综合影响。

  • The application of grouting to consolidate foundation combined with consolidating treatment of setting umbrella arch up and inverted arch down has achieved good effect of engineering .

    建宁芝峰公路石拱桥在使用多年后出现了桥台下沉和局部结构裂缝的病害,采用注浆固结地基,结合上 拱、下仰拱的加固治理方法,取得了良好的工程 效果

  • Autism is an umbrella term for a range of developmental disorders that have a lifelong effect on someone 's ability to interact socially and communicate .

    自闭症是一系列精神发育障碍的 统一性术语,它可能对患者终生的社交能力产生 影响

  • Even less funding is available for mental health promotion an umbrella term that covers a variety of strategies all aimed at having a positive effect on mental health well-being in general .

    可用于促进精神卫生的资金甚至更少。促进精神卫生是一种 总括的说法,其中涵盖各种各样的战略,目的都是要对精神卫生产生积极 影响