unbiased estimator


  • Then an adaptive efficient unbiased estimator of Hurst index based on multiresolution wavelet analysis and weighted regression is presented .

    针对基于小波的 Hurst指数 估计 方法的自适应问题,结合 方差分析给出了一种有效的 解决 方法,从而提出了自适应的 参数 估计 方法,并且该方法在 一般意义上是 的。

  • Dual-observer Passive Ranging Algorithms Based on Unbiased Estimator

    基于一种 估计器的双站被动测距算法

  • With regard to the estimation of the variance components many statisticians proposed a number of approaches such as the Analysis of Variance Estimator Maximum Likelihood Estimator Restricted MLE and the Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator etc.

    关于方差分量的估计统计学家们提出了许多方法,如方差分析估计,极大似然估计,限制极大似然估计,最小范数二次 估计等。

  • There are two main research contents ; one is the classical statistical estimation method for model parameter such as maximum likelihood estimator least square estimator and its weighted form linear unbiased estimator and minimum norm estimator .

    核心研究内容有两个:其一是模型参数的经典统计学估计方法,主要包括极大似然估计量、最小二乘估计量及其加权形式的 估计 、线性 估计 和最小范数估计量。

  • Conditional Best Linear Unbiased Estimator for Multivariate Curvilinear Models

    多元曲线模型的条件最好线性 估计

  • The known Gauss-Markov theorem asserts that the least squares estimator ( LSE ) is a minimum variance unbiased estimator among the class of all linear unbiased estimators .

    著名的Gauss-Markov定理表明,最小二乘估计在线性无 估计类中方差最小。

  • Best Linear Unbiased Estimator of Accelerated Life Test Under Weibull Distribution

    Weibull分布场合恒定应力加速寿命试验的最优线性 估计

  • These conclusions have not only the theoretic benefits but also the practical ones for the selection of positioning approaches . ( 3 ) Present an ellipse based best linear unbiased estimator ( BLUE ) localization algorithm .

    本文给出的理论分析和计算结果不仅具有理论意义,而且对实际应用中如何选用各种定位算法也有实际意义。(3)提出了一种基于椭圆公式的最佳线性 估计(BLUE)定位算法。

  • Consider a kind of linear mixed effects model which was proposed by Tao et al ( 1999 ) the nonparametric estimator of the density of the random effects was established . It is shown that the estimator is an asymptotic unbiased estimator .

    对于Tao等(1999)提出的一类线性混合效应模型,构造了随机效应密度的非参数估计,并证明了此估计量具有渐近 性。

  • An unbiased estimator can be acquired through high order moments of received data .

    利用基带数据的高阶矩特性,可以获得 渐近 估计

  • In the present paper We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for which the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator reduces to the least square in multivariate linear models .

    本文讨论回归方程组系数的估计,给出 最小二乘估计是有效 估计的条件。

  • A class of unbiased estimator of variogram is obtained in this paper .

    本文给出了 VARIOGRAM的一个 估计类。

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Least Squares Estimator to Be the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator in the General Gauss - Markov Model

    一般 Gauss&Markov模型下最小二乘估计是最佳 估计的充要条件

  • Unbiased Estimator Class of Variogram

    VARIOGRAM 估计类探讨

  • Enumerative Units and Quantity Scales : Discussing the Functional Types of Noun-Quantifiers ; asymptotically normal and unbiased estimator

    计数和计量&兼论名量词的功能类别渐近正态 估计

  • In this paper the method of double sampling is applied to PPS Sampling . We present a unbiased estimator of population total in the method and discuss the variance of the estimator and unbiased estimator of the variance .

    本文把双重抽样技术用于PPS抽样,给出了该方法下总体总值的无 估计量,估计量的方差及方差的无偏估计公式。

  • Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate generalized least squares estimator

    方差一致最小 估计

  • Problem about the existence of the unbiased estimator of regression parameters in the simple linear EV model is thoroughly solved . The non-existent of unbiased estimator under some common restrictions are proved .

    比较彻底的解决了简单线性EV模型中回归参数的 估计的存在性问题,证明了在一些常见的约束下,无偏估计并不存在。

  • The kriging estimator Zv of each block of a deposit can be estimated . Kriging estimator is the unbiased linear estimator with minimum estimation variance .

    据此,可以估计矿床中每一块段的克立格估值Zv,该估值是具最小估计方差的 线性 估计

  • Appling these formulas the variance and covariance of the minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of the variance components is computed .

    应用这些公式计算了方差分量模型中方差分量最小范数二次 估计 的方差、协方差。

  • The Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator of the Parameter in Negative Binomial Distribution and Its Asymptotic Efficiency

    负二项分布参数的 UMVU 估计及其渐近有效性

  • In the verification the proposed best linear unbiased estimator is utilized as the frequency synchronization algorithm .

    在验证中,频率同步技术采用所提出的最佳线性 估计器

  • Whether commodity futures price is the unbiased estimator of future spot price or not is a disputed question .

    商品期货价格是否是未来现货价格的 估计,一直争议颇多。

  • Method of least squares and minimum linear variance unbiased estimator are applied to detailed procedures with practical examples ;

    结合具体事例介绍了利用最小二乘法和最小方差线性 估量法进行 设备 寿命 预测的具体步骤;

  • The results indicate that if all the investors all full rational the equilibrium price whether using close call auction or open call auction is the unbiased estimator of the risky assets true value .

    研究结论表明,若所有的投资者都是理性的,无论采用封闭式集合竞价还是开放式集合竞价,那么均衡价格均是风险资产真实价值的 估计

  • Then we studied a few of properties of negative binomial distribution and the uniformly unbiased estimator of the parameter and it 's biological significances were explained in Epidemiology .

    给出了负二项分布的分解定理,进一步研究了负二项分布的有关性质及参数的 一致 估计,以及在流行病学该分布的生物学意义。

  • And others discussed the best linear unbiased estimator for the logistic population .

    等又 先后讨论了 Logistlic 分布 参数的最佳线性 估计估计 相对 效率等问题。

  • In this paper the authors give the mean precision of the ratio-type estimator for the population mean in the two-stage sampling whose major term for large sample size is not worse than the mean precision of the unbiased estimator .

    本文给出了两阶抽样中总体均值的比率型估计量的平均精度,它当样本容量充分大时主项不劣于 估计 的平均精度。