unbalanced line

[ʌnˈbælənst laɪn][ʌnˈbælənst lain]


  • As the three-phase is unbalanced and the line parameter R / X is very large in the distribution system the traditional methods for power flow calculation are no longer applicable . Three-phase power flow calculation is needed and three-phase model is established .

    由于配电网的三相不 平衡 问题比较 突出线路参数R/X比较大,传统的潮流计算方法对配电网不再适用,需要对配电网进行三相潮流计算,建立了配电网相关元件的三相模型。

  • The theory of constraints indicates that the unbalanced capacity of production line should be designed in order to minimize the adverse impact of stochastic fluctuation .

    约束理论指出,为了减少随机波动对生产的影响,实际生产 线应设计为 均衡的。

  • The length of composite insulator on V string may be more 300 mm than common composite insulator therefore reduce back strike probability of upper conductor ; according to unbalanced insulation principle may reduce the installed amount of line surge arrester .

    V形串单支复合绝缘子可比常规长300mm,根据 平衡绝缘原理减少 线路型氧化锌避雷器的安装数量。

  • The status of current energy field presents higher overall output less consumption per capita area distribution unbalanced as a result HVDC transmission line with large capacity and long transfer distance becomes inevitable .

    由于我国的能源现状呈现出总量多、人均量少和区域分布 平衡的特点使得大容量、长距离直流输电 线路的投产成为了必然。

  • The automobile interior trim assembling line in FAW-Hongta Yunnan Automobile Co. Ltd. is of low productivity reflected in the complexity of the concrete operation of workers long waiting time in the operation lack of standardized operation processes and unbalanced production line .

    一汽红塔汽车内饰装配线生产效率低,表现为工人的具体操作复杂、作业等待时间长、没有规范的操作流程、装配 线 平衡

  • There were two different points of view about whether balanced or unbalanced insulation level modes should be used for 500 kV double-circuit transmission line in China .

    对我国500kV同塔双回 线路,曾有采用平衡绝缘方式和 平衡绝缘方式2种不同意见。

  • He has in short brought back into harmonious balance an art which had in the orthodox tradition become unbalanced in its reliance on the language of line .

    传统 绘画偏重于 线条,但他却能将各艺术 原素都带到一个和谐的局面。

  • The degree of output voltage imbalance was researched on phase unbalanced load and line unbalanced load . A maximum unbalanced condition of three-phase output voltage is given .

    研究了相 平衡负载和 线不平衡负载条件下三相输出电压不平衡的程度,给出了三相输出电压出现最大不平衡的条件。

  • An unbalanced line is generally a single-conductor shielded cable with the center conductor carrying the signal and the shield at ground potential .

    对于 平衡式信号 线来说,就是一根被屏蔽了的信号线,这个中心信号线传输信号,且相对于地电势。

  • The results from calculation and simulation show that the proposed method can effectively restrain the negative sequence voltage and current caused by unbalanced parameters of transmission line .

    计算分析结果表明,该方法能够有效抑制由 线路参数 不对称产生的负序电流和电压。

  • This results in an unbalanced condition which allows the main line pressure to lift the diaphragm off the main orifice and thereby open the valve .

    在一个 平衡的状况,允许为 主线的压力,解除了主要的孔隔膜,从而打开阀门这个结果。

  • A novel ultra wideband microstrip balun ( balanced to unbalanced transformer ) based on Coplanar Waveguide Ground ( CPWG ) and Coupled Strip Line ( CSL ) is introduced .

    根据接地共面波导和耦合微带 线设计了一类新型超宽带微带巴伦(平衡/非 平衡转换器)。

  • The results showed that : in most cases the spreading of these surfactants was driven by the unbalanced capillary force on the three-phase contact line and that surface tension gradient participated the spreading process of surfactant I ⅱ with higher concentration .

    结果显示:在大多数情况下,葡糖酰胺类三硅氧烷在石蜡表面的铺展是由三相 线 平衡毛细作用力导致,在高浓度的I,II体系中,表面张力梯度参与驱动液滴的铺展。