unbalanced load

[ʌnˈbælənst lod][ʌnˈbælənst ləud]


  • Research on Assembled Information Management System of Overload and Unbalanced Load Information of Wagon

    货车超 综合信息管理系统的研究

  • During the examination of the overload and unbalanced load of the freight car the signals from the detection sensors are influenced seriously because of the so many disturbance sources such as the work frequency signal pulses electronics switch radio frequency signals and so on .

    在对货车进行超 检测的过程中,由于存在工频信号、脉冲发生器、电子开关和射频信号等干扰源,严重影响了超偏载检测传感器的信号拾取。

  • The harmonic current detecting method based on d-q coordinate transformation is not influenced by voltage and can be applied to unbalanced load current .

    基于d-q坐标变换的谐波电流检测方法不受电压影响,并能应用于 负荷电流 不对称的情况。

  • Comparison between two modulation strategies of three-phase inverter with unbalanced load

    三相逆变器在 平衡 负载 的2种调制策略对比

  • Study on the unbalanced load of a three-phase inverter

    三相逆变电源 平衡 负载研究

  • The degree of output voltage imbalance was researched on phase unbalanced load and line unbalanced load . A maximum unbalanced condition of three-phase output voltage is given .

    研究了相 平衡 负载和线不平衡负载条件下三相输出电压不平衡的程度,给出了三相输出电压出现最大不平衡的条件。

  • Thoughts on Improving Application and Management of Overload and Unbalanced Load Detecting Device

    加强超 检测装置运用管理的思考

  • The experimental results show that the SVC controller based on DSP not only can synthetically compensate var for unbalanced load but also have fleet reaction preferable controlling precision .

    实验结果表明基于DSP的SVC控制器不仅可实现对 负载的无功功率及 三相 平衡的综合补偿,而且能够较好的满足实时性和精确性的要求。

  • Based on this the circuits are divided into two parts : positive and negative sequence networks . To the characteristic of unbalanced power a method is deduced of computing the susceptance of static var compensator ( SVC ) to compensate the unbalanced load .

    在此基础上,将电路划分为正序网络和负序网络,同时利用不平衡功率的波动特性提出了SVC(StaticVar Compensator)的等效补偿电纳计算方法。

  • Balancing compensation of3-Ph unbalanced load with cascade inverters based STATCOM ;

    该系统可以避免三相 平衡 负载对逆变器输出电压的影响。

  • At present most of the thyristor-controlled reactor ( TCR ) type static var compensators ( SVCs ) use open-loop control mode as compensation for the three-phase unbalanced load device .

    在总结已有的研究成果基础之上,将瞬时无功功率理论应用于提高功率因数和补偿三相 平衡 负荷的静止无功功率补偿器控制之中。

  • Research on the Integrated Compensation of Reactive and Negative Currents for Unbalanced Load

    平衡 负荷无功与负序电流的综合补偿研究

  • A research on unbalanced load of air cushion support system in the wheel-replace equipment

    轮对更换装置中气垫支承系统 问题的研究和解决

  • Introduction of Detecting Software Based on Windows for Overload and Unbalanced Load and Common Faults Analysis

    Windows版超 检测软件简介及常见故障分析

  • Experimental results prove that the proposed strategy can make the inverter maintaining symmetrical output voltages under unbalanced load .

    实验结果证明了该控制方案能使逆变器在 平衡 负载下保持三相输出电压波形的对称性。

  • Application of universal instantaneous power theory to unbalanced load compensation

    通用瞬时功率理论在 三相 平衡 负荷补偿中的应用

  • In order to reject the zero sequence and negative sequence disturbance due to unbalanced load a solution using two-stage four-leg matrix converter based on carrier modulation strategy was proposed .

    为了抑制 平衡 负载中的零、负序扰动,提出一种基于载波调制的双级四脚矩阵变换器解决方案。

  • This inverter not only can provide the steady and pure sine wave power with little distortion but also can solve the unbalanced load .

    该逆变系统不仅能为用电设备提供失真度小、稳定、纯正的正弦交流电,而且其控制灵活、稳压精度高,更重要的是它很好的解决了带 三相 平衡 负载 问题

  • Due to the low output current harmonic and fast response characteristics single phase STATCOM is suitable for balancing compensation of three phase unbalanced load .

    由于单相STATCOM具有输出无功电流谐波含量低、响应速度快等优点而适用于 平衡 负载的平衡化补偿。

  • In order to improve the precision of inertial navigation system an active filter is designed for filtering the pulsating component induced by nonlinear or unbalanced load in gyroscope power .

    以提高惯性导航系统的精度为目的,设计了一种有源滤波器,以滤除陀螺电源中因非线性 负载 平衡 负载等造成的电流脉动分量。

  • This paper presents a new method that PIR-P dual loop control based on rotating coordinates to improve the output voltage symmetry of inverter under the serious unbalanced load condition .

    为改善逆变器系统在严重 平衡 负载情况下输出电压的对称性,文中提出一种新颖的控制策略&旋转坐标系下的PIR-P双环控制。

  • Research into Control Method of Three-phase Inverter Power Supply Under Unbalanced Load

    三相逆变电源在 平衡 负载 条件下的控制研究

  • Research on Static Var Compensator for Unbalanced Load Compensation

    面向 平衡 负荷补偿的静止无功补偿装置的研究

  • The three-phase unbalanced load of low voltage area will do harm to the electrical equipment and will increase the technical circuit loss .

    低压台区中的 负荷 平衡 运行将会对台区用电设备产生危害并会增加技术线损。

  • The thesis also in-depth introduces two kind of modern control algorithms : fuzzy control algorithm and sliding mode control algorithms . The mathematical model and the motor state space equation of the motor are derived and the unbalanced load mathematical model is established .

    深入研究了两种现代控制算法:模糊控制算法和滑模控制算法,推导出了电机数学模型和电机状态空间方程,并建立了两种 平衡 负载数学模型。

  • An Analysis of Instantaneous Power in Unbalanced Circuits and a Method to Compensate Unbalanced Load

    不平衡电路的瞬时功率分析及 不对称 负荷补偿方法

  • STATCOM mathematical model is set up to derivative the deadbeat STATCOM control model for unbalanced load .

    建立了STATCOM的模型,并在此基础上推导出对 平衡 负载补偿的STATCOM无差拍控制模型。

  • The dual d-q transformation and symmetrical components method are used to determine the compensation line-currents for unbalanced load . An optimum design method is proposed to balance the three-phase compensation currents of the delta-connected transformer .

    针对 平衡 负荷特点,采用基于双d-q变换和对称分量法计算补偿线电流,并提出了补偿相电流的优化设计方法来提高D-STATCOM的补偿能力。

  • Study on the Method for Compensation Unbalanced Load

    不对称 负荷 动态无功补偿方法研究