


  • Her life is very simple and unadorned .

    她的生活是很 简朴的。

  • In this book the author presents a simple and unadorned account of his life when he learned to paint studied fine arts in France and worked in Dunhuang Art Institute ;

    作者以 亲切 质朴 笔触,记述了他学习绘画、留学法国、任职敦煌艺术研究所的人生 历程

  • Peter gave a spare unadorned performance of the symphony .

    彼得作了一次 风格 简朴的交响乐演出。

  • Whether made from white flour or whole wheat one unadorned New York-style bagel supplies about 500 calories and a 21st century muffin often contains as many as 800 calories .

    无论是由白面还是全麦制成,一个没有添加任何添料的纽约风格 贝果的热量就可达到约500卡路里,而现在一个松饼所含的热量往往多达800卡路里。

  • The lateral side is largely unadorned save for a boomerang-shaped crease and a subtle faux-alligator print pattern pressed into the front-quarter panel .

    外侧是大面积的未经修饰的,自然的 皱痕和细微的按压式人造鳄鱼皮图案。

  • These all reflected in the Eastern Han Dynasty such special social environment the ancients simple and unadorned is sluggish but does not lack the vitality the tenacious survival condition .

    它们反映了东汉人们 、滞重但又不乏生机、坚韧的生存状态。

  • Very Japanese images are : unadorned lightly natural etc. To sum up it is an image a feeling of pure .

    很日本的意象是: 装饰的,轻盈的,自然的,可总结为:纯净的意象。

  • The Hunan folk furniture reflect the popular taste and interesting and the character of era by its special material and decorating technique and the unadorned appearance throw off the strong flavor of the life .

    湖南民间家具以其自身所特有的材料和装饰手法反映出大众化的审美情趣和时代特征,其 朴实的风貌散发出浓郁的生活气息。

  • This gives the unadorned outer side of the shoe more freedom to conform to the shape of the wearer 's foot .

    这使得 原本鞋的外侧更多的自由,从而 更好 贴合脚型。

  • A literal description ; wrote good but plain prose ; a plain unadorned account of the coronation ; a forthright unembellished style .

    平淡的描述;写得不错但过于平淡的散文;平淡 朴实的加冕理由;直率的不加修饰的文体。

  • Yet an increasing share of the world 's wealthier travellers are seeking something simple unadorned and authentic ; they 've seen so much they want to return to basics .

    但全世界有越来越多的富裕旅行者正寻求一些简单、 朴实且可信的东西。他们见过太多 世面了,想回归本色。

  • With unadorned lyric profound meaning brilliant melody his songs are full of artistic charm and boast high aesthetic value .

    他的艺术 歌曲充满了强烈的艺术魅力,具有很高的审美价值。

  • Unadorned and kind Hotan people work hard day and night wearing big hats which can stop wind and sand shade sunshine in summer keep warm and resist against wind and snow in winter .


  • Guan Liang 's art tells us that austerity is not a prerequisite for great work but that unadorned simplicity and genuine feeling can communicate just as well with any viewer .

    关良的艺术告诉我们,伟大的创作不一定是严肃的,单纯 朴实,反朴归真的美,同样能 感化人心。

  • Loveliness needs not the foreign aid of ornament but is when unadorned adorned the most .

    美丽的东西不需要外在的装饰, 天然 雕饰是最好的装饰。 &汤姆森。

  • In my opinion who imposing himself as unadorned gentle and modest to express mood or feelings their motive is cowardly .

    在我看,用自认为 朴实,平和,谦逊表现心态或者情怀的人,动机都是怯懦的。

  • In this case there are no namespaces and you get a basic unadorned XML document containing only the data from the data model instance .

    该例中没有其他名称空间,因此所得到的这个简单 修饰的XML文档只包含数据模型实例中的数据。

  • The classic style is straightforward unadorned unemotional .

    古典风格直率、 朴实无华,且不渲染感情。

  • They affirmed people 's basic passion desire and interest advocated simple and unadorned style of study .

    他们肯定人们基本的情、欲、利,提倡 朴实的学风。

  • The emphasis is on Chinese furniture at its most unadorned notable for the clarity of its forms and structure .

    其重点在于中国家具的 古朴 典雅,以及其形式结构的清晰简洁。

  • The last skyscraper built in Paris opened in 1973 an unadorned dark block rising 59 stories & the Montparnasse Tower .

    巴黎的最后一个摩天大楼是1973年揭幕的蒙帕纳斯大厦( MontparnasseTower),它是一座楼高59层、 朴素的黑色大楼。

  • The room is typically simple and unadorned with white walls and a tiled floor .

    墙壁是白色的,地面铺了地砖,房间布置得特别简单 朴素

  • Interrelated to this Chinese gardens bring symbolic imagery of the unity of human and heaven ( the principle of nature ) while English gardens show a kind of unadorned beauty of admiring the physical world .

    与此相关,中国园林追求天人合一的象征 创意,英国风景园显示 肯定客观世界美的

  • Contrary to figurative language which is commonly used in advertising plain language refers to the unadorned clear and ordinary one which also finds its wide application in the same field .

    广告中的语言常为修辞语言,但与之相对的平实语言以其 质朴、清晰、普通的特点也得到广泛使用。

  • Simplicity is my original quality awaiting humans to enjoy a natural beauty uncarved unpolished and unadorned .

    朴素是我的底色,让人类鉴赏一种未经 雕琢、没有包装的本质美。

  • Rousseau 's short discourse a work that was generally consistent with the cautious unadorned prose of the day deviated from that prose style in its unrestrained discussion of the physical sciences .

    卢梭的短篇演讲从整体来看与当时谨慎、 朴素的散文风格相一致,但他在自然科学相关的讨论中展现出的无拘无束却与这一风格大相径庭。