

[法] 未经授权的,未被接受的,未呈递国书的

  • Ryerson University offers unaccredited programs through its department of Architectural Science .

    瑞尔森大学通过其建筑科学部提供的 认可的方案。

  • Just as alternative therapists can ply their trade outside the medical profession you could have unaccredited managers .

    就像另类医疗师可以在医疗行业之外从事自己的工作 一样,没有 资格 证书的管理者也可以 从业

  • Pacific Western University prior to an ownership change changing its name and becoming accredited was the subject of criticism concerning its unaccredited nature and quality of its programs .

    西太平洋大学在其所有权变更,名称变更和获得认证之前,其 授权的资质和 教育项目的质量 受批评。

  • Police set up barricades and banned vehicles and unaccredited people from entering the lane in front of the court from the morning .

    警察布置了路障,从早晨开始禁止车辆和 许可的人进入法院前的街道。

  • Gives listings of both accredited and unaccredited colleges under various popular subject headings-cookery business technology performing arts etc.

    按多种热门学科,诸如厨艺、商务、技术、表演艺术等列出的被认证的和 认证的学院名单。

  • It also offers an unaccredited undergraduate program in architecture that can be used as a prerequisite to a graduate degree .

    它还提供了一个架构 认可的本科课程,研究生学位的先决条件,可以作为使用。