


  • This paper probes into Chinese environmental problems from four aspects of the delayed environmental legislation the undutiful enforcement and supervision of the environmental protection department the unserviceable government intervention and the unformed market mechanism and advances some suggestions on solving these problems .

    从环境立法滞后、环保部门执法监督 职能 到位、政府干预失灵、市场机制基础尚未形成等4个方面对我国环境问题进行了探讨,并提出了解决问题的对策和建议。

  • 21St century it is undutiful that enterprises will face all kinds of problems of Intellectual property right .

    21世纪,知识产权无疑是 中国企业 可回避的, 重要 主题

  • Impious toward one 's parents ; an undutiful son .

    不孝顺父母的; 不孝的儿子。

  • In this way we can get many different translations which is undutiful good to enrich our field of poetry translation .

    这样便 造成的种种不同的译文,这对丰富我们诗歌翻译的领域 无疑是很有 益处的。