It is difficult to achieve the synchronization for the master-slave chaotic systems with nonidentical parameters so the uniform synchronization with a small error bound is discussed .
当主从耦合混沌系统的参数之间非恒同时,一般意义上的混沌同步难以实现,因此,讨论了其具有一定误差 界 的 一致同步问题。
This paper obtains a uniform a priori estimate of classical solution to the Cauchy problem for quasilinear hyperbolic system by using the method of characteristic which gives a lower bound on life-span of the classical solution .
本文利用特征线的方法,得到关于拟线性双曲方程组Cauchy问题经典解的 一致先验估计.这样的估计给出了系统经典解存在区间的 下界。
The quality is the expression of individual physiological stability and produce changes of a uniform and consistent uniform and consistent bound to the mutual influence of the multiple factors and mutual restraint in order to achieve .
素质则表达个体的生理稳定性和生成变化性的统一和一致,这种 统一和一致 必然要通过多重因素的相互影响和相互制约才能达到。
Resorting to the convergent theorem of sequence of the analytic function we define the uniform bound inner closed uniform bound and inner closed uniform convergence of the monogenic function in the real Clifford analysis . In addition we discuss several properties of sequence of monogenic functions .
在解析函数列的收敛性定理的基础上,定义了实Clifford分析中正则函数列的 一致有 界、内闭一致有界及内闭一致收敛等概念,并讨论了正则函数列的几条性质。
In this paper we study the degree of approximation of uniform bound positive linear operators in Ba spaces and obtain the quantitative Korovkin ′ s approximation theorem .
本文研究Ba空间中 一致有 界正线性算子列的逼近阶,得到了相应的 Korovkin量化定理。
Uniform Bound Theorem of Set-Valued Mapping
集值映射的 一致有 界定理
Considering the gravity of moving part and error of dynamic model a robust trail tracking controller is adopted to ensure the tracking precision which guarantees the uniform and ultimate bound of the tracking error .
在此基础上,考虑其运动部件重力及模型误差,为保证其跟踪精度,设计了一种鲁棒轨迹跟踪控制器,确保了跟踪误差的 一致终值有 界性。
The video shows a man in army uniform shooting a naked man who 's bound and blind-folded with the bodies of several others nearby .
该视频显示,一名身穿 军装的男子射杀一名被 捆绑并蒙眼的裸体男子,附近还有其他几人的尸体。
美[ˈjunəˌfɔrm baʊnd]英[ˈju:nifɔ:m baund]