I meant to help him ; unexpectedly I have brought him trouble .
我想帮助他, 没 想到 反而给他添了麻烦。
Has been defeated twice he has done unexpectedly again .
已经失败了两次,他 不 想 再做了。
I finally gave up my stubbornness and visited unexpectedly .
我终于放弃了我的固执,并参观了 意外。
He made an unexpectedly kind-hearted gesture .
他作出了一个 出乎意外友好的姿态。
The unexpectedly love with me .
因为我 竟然爱上了你。
They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly .
父母 突然回家,撞见他俩拥抱在一起。
He returned unexpectedly and saw again the country and the houses .
他 出乎意料 地回来了,又一次瞧见自己的乡间和房屋。
Quite unexpectedly for me I find myself married .
十分 出乎意料的事情,我结婚了。
My heartaches are all quick ground she flowed so many bloods unexpectedly .
我的心疼的都快碎了,她 竟然流了那么多的血。
A hurricane came unexpectedly and as a result we had an unpleasant journey .
一场飓风 意想不到的到来,结果我们进行了一次令人不愉快的旅行。
A new force ( e.g. a school of thought etc. ) emerged unexpectedly .
They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead .
他们一登上滩头阵地就 意外 地遭到两面夹攻。
Miserable and unexpectedly lonely she went in search of Jean-Paul
内心痛苦、突感 寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。
He was called away unexpectedly today which is why I came to meet you instead .
他今天 突然被 叫走了,所以才换了我来见你。
You say love me unexpectedly is put aside for me .
你说的爱我, 竟然就是放下我。
She panics when people pop in unexpectedly rushing round plumping cushions .
一群人 冷不防 地冒出来,跑来跑去地拍松垫子,这把她吓坏了。
The gunpowder went off unexpectedly . All the charges blew up at once .
火药 意外 地爆炸了。火药一下子都 炸响了。
The phantom used to appear unexpectedly but mostly during the winter .
那个幽灵过去常常 出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季。
I was really surprised when he turned up unexpectedly .
我实在很吃惊当他 意外 地 出现。
Unexpectedly a rainstorm overtook us before we reached our destination .
中途大雨,原未 料及。
My flight was cancelled by an unexpectedly heavy rain so my business went down the toilet !
我的航班因为一场 意外的大雨被取消了。所以我的生意泡汤了!
Unexpectedly be not a patch on I this station of25 days really strange !
居然 比不上我这个25天的站,真奇怪了!
You unexpectedly can deceive me to have harmed me .
你 竟然会欺骗我伤害了我。
The world is such big actually lets me meet unexpectedly with you .
世界是那么的大,却让我 偏偏和你们 邂逅。
Her brother usually goes with her but he 's in County unexpectedly .
通常是她兄弟和她一起,但是他出了 麻烦。
I thought I should give it a chance and unexpectedly it survived healthily .
我想我应该给她一个机会, 意外 地她健康地存活下来。
The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance .
入侵行动因 遭遇 到了 出乎意料的顽强抵抗而受阻。
The essay seems to start unexpectedly unsatisfactorily w_386 .
文章开头有点 秃。
He dropped in on me quite unexpectedly .
完全 出乎预料,他顺便来看了我。