Having an explicit fully featured container that we can use unencumbered allows us to provide better guidance around DI and container based architectures .
有一个明确的,功能 齐全的容器对于我们围绕依赖注入提供更好的指导和基于容器的基础架构。
It may rise and expand and see God unencumbered ?
他会升起并膨胀, 毫无 阻碍地看到上帝?
The writers of the Onion are unencumbered by any obvious party loyalty .
《洋葱》作者们 无 需对任何党派表示忠心。
When a marriageable young woman urges matrimony on an unencumbered young man the most obvious explanation of her conduct is not the altruistic impulse .
当一个正当结婚妙龄的少女,敦促 毫无 挂碍的青年男子结婚的时候,非常清楚谁也不会认为她的行为纯粹出自利他主义的动机。
So while you can make copies and distribute them both freely you can also sell such copies unencumbered .
所以,尽管您可以自由地创建并发布副本,但是您也可以 不 受 限制地销售这些 副本。
This will be one of the few times in life that you 're unencumbered by work .
活 的 开心点。这可能是你一生中为数不多的几次 机会,可以 不 受工作的 约束。
The point is that we need an unencumbered codec for everyone who 's not interested in DRM .
问题在于我们需要向那些对DRM不感兴趣的用户提供 没有 任何 阻碍 的 codec。
Respect for patient autonomy requires that we promote a patient 's ability to make an unencumbered choice .
尊重患者自治要求我们增进患者作出“ 无 障碍”的选择能力。
I will commence my journey unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience .
我不会 让所谓的知识或者经验 妨碍我的行程。
A long time ago a man unencumbered own good uncomfortable .
很久以前,自己一个人 无牵无挂,好不自在。
The2004 Athens Olympic champion and former world record holder reportedly suffered a minor back strain while training in Shanghai last week but seems unencumbered as he with two days to go .
据报道,这位2004年雅典奥运会冠军、前世界纪录保持者上周在上海训练时背部轻微拉伤,但是,从他两天前准备运动的情况来看,背伤似乎 并无大 碍。
Software provided under an academic license is essentially a gift . You may use it unencumbered and may relicense your derivative work under a new license of your own choosing .
在学术许可下提供的软件本质上是一个“赠品”,您可以无任何 阻碍地使用它,并且可以在您选择的新的许可下再次许可您的派生作品。
Provide adequate clearance to permit unencumbered operation of blind and hardware .
提供足够的间距,从而允许百叶和硬件的 不 受 妨碍的操作。
Hagen wanted to have all little details cleared away so that he could go to that preparatory meeting with an unencumbered mind .
黑根想要把一切细节问题都打点好,他希望自己能有 神志清醒地去开这个会议。
And what is to cease breathing but to free the breath from its restless tides that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered ?
难道停止呼吸不就是让呼吸从无休的潮汐中解脱,使它得以升腾、扩展、 毫无 羁绊地去寻求上帝?
Second when a land is settled it should be unencumbered and there should not be any interference from politicians .
其次,如果土地 征用已经完成的话, 企业对土地的使用不应当受到政府干涉。
Hundreds of New York subway riders unencumbered by skirts trousers or modesty took part in a spontaneous showing of leg despite sub-freezing temperatures .
尽管气温降到了零下,但数百名纽约地铁乘客仍然脱掉裙子、 长裤,抛开羞怯,参与到自发组织的 无裤日活动中来。
Leaving TA behind forced me to create a new game from scratch and to move ahead unencumbered .
把 TA扔到背后可以迫使我从零开始创造一个新游戏,而且是 不 受 约束的。
As I move around the city unencumbered and uninformed my hand keeps drifting into my iPhone pocket to check for emails .
我在这座城市里到处逛, 不 受 打扰,也不查消息,可我的手老是摸进装着iPhone的口袋去查收邮件。
When we take a species out of its native home and transport it elsewhere it may face new challenges and die off or it may find itself virtually unencumbered by constraining forces .
如果我们让一个物种离开原产地,运到别处去,那么在新环境中,这个物种可能会遭遇到新的威胁而相继死亡,也可能发现几乎 没有 任何一种可以制约自己的力量。
Inherited an unencumbered estate .
继承了 不 承担 义务 的 不动产。
The dream of being able to go out and just have an unencumbered view of space – we 'll have it .
想要能够出去 并无 阻碍的看看宇宙这个梦想将会实现。
Instead the electronic components inside the device are coated to provide protection leaving the device unencumbered and always guarded against unexpected accidents .
相反的,电子设备内部的元件都被喷上了防水涂料以提供保护,使得设备 没有使用 阻碍并且能预防任何意外事故。
I envied that young my youth carefree unencumbered non-trouble-free brain .
我好羡慕那个青春年少的我,无忧无虑, 无牵无挂,无烦无恼。
They share above all else a yearning for spareness a deep dread of congestion and an urge to be unencumbered by just about everything except space and weather .
他们分享所有的一切,除了对财富的欲望,对拥塞的深深恐惧,以及除了空间和天气,成为 无所不能的冲动。
And most of the existing care was of poor to mediocre quality she says . Unencumbered by knowledge or experience we said : let 's change the way our country looks at childcare .
在现有的 托儿所中,多数质量较差或一般,她说,我们当时 不顾知识或经验的缺乏说道:让我们改变我们国家对托儿所的看法吧。
China has long been anxious to establish a more strategic relationship with Washington unencumbered by bilateral disputes on issues like trade missile proliferation and intellectual property rights .
长期以来,中国一直迫切希望与华盛顿建立一种更具战略意义的关系, 不受贸易、导弹扩散和知识产权等问题 产生的双边争端 困扰。
These are troubled times and we need a hero someone unencumbered by politics as usual .
人生总会有些麻烦的时候,我们需要一个英雄,一个和平常一样 不会被政治 妨碍的人。