


  • Walker had the unenviable task of breaking the bad news to Hill


  • It is an unenviable choice which Mr Obama has already made once before only to back down when the going got tough .

    这是一个 值得 羡慕的选择奥巴马以前已经做过这样的选择,结果是当形势变得严峻时不得不放弃。

  • Nigeria has the unenviable title of being the worst country for a baby to enter the world in 2013 .

    尼日利亚摘得了 无人 羡慕的头衔,成为2013年婴儿的最差出生地。

  • His parents have given my wife and I the unenviable task of making him bilingual .

    他的父母给了我和我太太一 艰难 差事 & 教育他掌握双语。

  • The situation that China faces is an unenviable one .

    中国当前面临的形势是 值得 羡慕的。

  • Beck has the unenviable task of trying to rebuild the business .

    贝克 承担了试图重建企业的 艰巨任务。

  • Whoever wins will inherit an unenviable legacy .

    那么谁将接受 这个 烂摊子

  • Britain held the unenviable record of having the highest divorce rate in Europe .

    英国在欧洲 各国 保持 光彩的最高离婚率纪录。

  • It put me in the unenviable position of having to lie .

    这令我陷入了不得不说谎的 尴尬境地。

  • But the Harbin scandal also focused the spotlight on an unenviable safety record .

    但哈尔滨丑闻也将人们的注意力 引向 光彩的安全记录。

  • Deciding on which team will come away with the trophy is the unenviable task here .

    决定哪 支队伍会赢得总冠军并不是 轻松的工作。

  • Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the redundancies .

    库伯 负责宣布裁员这个 讨好的任务。

  • She had the unenviable task of making the first few phone calls

    她接受了这个 令人 为难的差事, 负责打头几个电话。

  • The unenviable task of ringing the parents of the dead child .

    给死亡孩子的父母打电话 报丧 尴尬的差事。

  • He has an unenviable record of ill-health .

    他一直身体不好,这可 值得 羡慕

  • Australia is on track to become the fattest nation although experts questioned whether it had overtaken the United States and small Pacific countries for the unenviable title .

    澳大利亚正走在成为最肥国的路上,尽管专家们怀疑它是否已赶上美国和 其它一些亚太地区小国, 并不 艳羡的“桂冠”。

  • It 's a management team with an unenviable task .

    资讯 科技是有一件 值得 羡慕的工作经营团队。

  • A divorced woman is likely to find herself in an unenviable position .

    离婚女子很容易觉察到自己被 另眼相看

  • Today 's miner still works hard and in unenviable conditions underground .

    今天的矿工仍然辛苦地工作,而且是在地下 相当 艰苦的条件下工作。

  • The former foreign minister 's supporters know that Karzai now faces two unenviable choices .

    前外交部部长的支持者们知道卡尔扎伊现在面临着两个 令其 为难的选择。

  • In contrast many Western banks are in the unenviable position of having to pay a premium .

    相反,许多西方银行却处于不得不支付溢价的 尴尬 境地

  • However the eurozone leaders have stolen this unenviable prize by letting the Greek debt crisis get so out of hand that it now threatens the integrity of the eurozone .

    但是,欧元区各国领导人抢先一 摘得这个 并不 令人 钦羡 桂冠 &他们让希腊债务危机失控,使其威胁到欧元区的完整性。

  • He felt his tear ducts burning and could barely restrain himself from grasping his mother 's thin bony hands in his own . His parents have given my wife and I the unenviable task of making him bilingual .

    他感到鼻子有些发酸。他差点忍不住握住母亲那双瘦骨嶙峋的手。他的父母给了我和我太太一 艰难 差事 & 教育他掌握双语。

  • He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile .

    他已陷于 进退维谷的地步,不是坐牢就是流放,必须在两者间做出抉择。

  • He has been given the unenviable task of going round cap in hand to various generous companies .

    他被分配了 苦差,要点头哈腰地去 拜访 那些愿意 掏钱 资助的公司。

  • Companies in industries such as software and telephony find themselves in the unenviable position of trying to guess how much of their business will move to this advertising-supported sector - and how quickly they need to respond .

    软件、电话等行业的公司发现,自己陷入了一种 值得 羡慕的境地,要努力地猜测自己的业务有多少会转到这种由广告支持的领域以及自己需要以多快的速度进行反应。

  • As was discussed here last month the United States is now in an unenviable predicament gripped by conflicting pressures from rapidly weakening growth alongside elevated and accelerating inflation .

    正如上个月在这里讨论的一样,美国现在正陷入一个 退避三舍的困境,被迅速衰落的经济增长河不断升级的通货膨胀双重压力 重重 围困

  • He took on an unenviable task like a leader taking on the throne amid great turmoil .

    他接手了一项 值得 羡慕的任务,就像在剧烈动荡时期登上王位的领袖。

  • His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety

    他生硬粗暴的态度让他 声名狼藉