Because the forest insurance underwriting profit become very low loss even happen so the insurance company should pay more attention to capital application thus improving the investment income become the insurance company compensate for losses and a profit of insured source .
由于森林保险 承保 利润变得很微薄,甚至发生亏损,所以保险公司应该更加重视资本运用,从而提高投资收益,成为保险公司弥补承保亏损和获得利润的来源。
Although in modern business of insurance company underwriting is the main source of funding it is investment portfolio that is the key way of profit .
在现代保险公司的经营业务中, 承保 业务 是 拓宽资金来源的重要渠道,而投资业务则是主要的 盈利途径。
Though China insurance develops at very fast speed and the speed of premium is high market competition is more intense underwriting profit margin decreases gradually ;
尽管中国保险业飞速发展,保费增长迅猛,但由于市场竞争激烈, 承保 利润率逐渐下降;
The mature foreign market experience shows that when the competition in insurance market is complete and the underwriting profit is slight the incentive for further development comes from the profit acquired from insurance funds use .
国外成熟保险市场经验显示,当保险市场竞争较为充分之后, 承保 业务 利润已经非常微薄,保险业进一步发展的动力来自于保险资金运用所获得的利润。
The underwriting profit in property insurance company is also the corn business profit .
财产保险公司的 承保 利润即是其主营业务利润。
If our premiums exceed the total of our expenses and eventual losses we register an underwriting profit that adds to the investment income that our float produces .
保费收入超过费用和可能的赔付损失的总额的部分,我们可以将它记录为我们的 利润,同时, 浮存金产生的投资收益也会加计到我们的 利润中去。
When the demand for the risk protection is greater than the capacity which insurers can offer then it is a hard market and in this period both investment return and underwriting income are resources of the profit for insurers .
当市场上的风险保障需求超过保险公司对风险保障承保能力的供给时,保险公司的 承保 业务与投资 业务都是保险经营活动的主要 利润来源;
Investment profit has become the major income instead of underwriting profit ;
第三,投资收益取代 承保 收益成为主要 盈利途径;
Therefore when insurance companies determine the pricing profit margin they should pay more attention to the influence from underwriting profit margin .
因此,产险公司根据 承保 利润率和投资收益率确定定价利润因子时,应该更加重视 承保 利润率对它的影响。
If premiums exceed the total of expenses and eventual losses we register an underwriting profit that adds to the investment income produced from the float .
如果公司收取的保险费用超过了最终赔偿及运营费用支出总额,那么我们除浮存金的投资收入外还获得了 承保 盈利收入。
Moreover we have now operated at an underwriting profit for seven consecutive years .
我很有 信心,在未来的大部分时间里,我们也将能 保持 承保 盈利的骄人 局面。
After the test for effects on the pricing profit margin from underwriting profit margin and investment rate of return it was concluded that the effect on pricing profit margin from underwriting profit margin was greater than the effect from investment rate of return .
用敏感性分析来测试 承保 利润率和投资收益率对定价利润因子的影响程度时,发现了承保利润率对定价利润因子的影响要大于投资收益率对定价利润因子的影响。
However in reality the underwriting profit is often negative the main source of corporate profits is the return on investment .
但现实中, 承保 业务 利润往往为负,公司利润主要的来源是投资收益。
In China due to the property insurance industry initially started late extensive operating ; the underwriting profit is relatively small or even negative .
我国财产保险公司由于起步较晚、经营 方式 过于粗放, 承保 利润较少,甚至多为亏损。
Secondly underwriting profit margin and investment rate of return were expounded in detail .
接下来对模型中的 承保 利润率和投资 收益率是如何影响 定价利润因子的分别进行了详细的介绍。
Considering these strengths I believe that we will earn an underwriting profit over the years and that our float will therefore cost us nothing .
考虑到这些优势,我相信在接下来数年里, 保险 业务 依然可以 保持 盈利并且不需要为浮存金进行支付。
And the main features of underwriting cycle are the seasonal changes of underwriting profit and premium rates .
承保周期源于保险供给与需求的周期性波动,它以 承保 利润、保险费率的周期性变化为主要特征。