you see

[ju si][ju: si:]


  • Don 't forget to convey my regards when you see him .


  • All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof .

    而外面的世界, 所能 看见的就只是透过房顶缝隙射进来的阳光。

  • You see studs on lots of London front doors .

    在伦敦, 看到许多人家的大门上都装有饰钉。

  • A good idea but can you see Taylor trying it ?

    主意不错,不过 认为泰勒会尝试它吗?

  • You can do as you see fit .


  • Can you see the words on the blackboard clearly ?

    黑板上的字 得真吗?

  • Did you see what happened ?


  • She 's asking for trouble flaunting herself like that . Did you see the way Major Winston was looking at her ?

    她那么招摇,真是在自找麻烦。 看到温斯顿少校看她的样子了

  • If you see litter in the corridor pick it up

    在过道里 看到垃圾的话 捡起来。

  • She was a prime target for blackmail don 't you see ?

    她是敲诈的主要目标。 难道看不 出来吗?

  • You see very little of this wine around these days .

    近来很少 看见这种葡萄酒。

  • Did you see that circular from the government about their attack on prices ?


  • You see that man over there that man who has just walked into the room ?


  • He insisted that rice wouldn 't grow here but you see we 've grown it .


  • You see where I 'm coming from ?


  • Well you see you shouldn 't really feel that way about it

    好了, 知道吗,对那件事 真的不应该那么想。

  • ' There you are you see ! ' she exclaimed . ' I knew you 'd say that ! '


  • It is very unnerving to find out that someone you see every day is carrying a potentially deadly virus .

    发现 朝夕相处的人竟携带着一种可能致命的病毒是一件令人很不安的事情。

  • They 'd said the wound was only about this big you see and he showed me with his fingers .

    他们说伤口只有这么一点大,他 用手指比划给我

  • Why don 't you see if you can scare up a cup of coffee ?


  • You may go or not as you see fit .

    你去不 任便

  • What you hear about may be false ; what you see is true .

    耳闻为虚, 眼见为实。

  • It 's the first thing you see as you come round the corner . You can 't miss it

    你转过拐角后第一眼 就会 看到它,不会错过的。

  • You see we have a problem of our own


  • You see young people going to school inadequately dressed for the weather


  • You see ? There you go . That 's why I didn 't mention it earlier . I knew you 'd take it the wrong way


  • Do you see the man standing there ?


  • Can 't you see this could blow up in your face ?

    难道 这事会砸锅?

  • Can 't you see I 'm talking ? Don 't interrupt .

    看见我在说话 ?别插嘴。