I admire Zen masters Rinpoche 's wisdom and their inner peace .
我特别向往 禅宗大师、仁波切的智慧,还有他们的平静的内心。
A Cross-cultural Study : the Beat Generation and Zen Buddhism
跨文化个案研究&垮掉的一代与佛 禅
To understand Zen you need not make a philosophical effort ; you have to go deep into meditation .
要理解 禅,你不用思辨的努力;你非得深深地静心。
This kind of influence is similar with the influence pattern of Chinese Zen to the Chinese culture .
它的 兴起给这一时期的文化 带来了 巨大的影响,这种影响又和中国 禅对中国文化的影响模式相类似。
Zen and aesthetic standards of Chinese and Japanese traditional arts
Laurence Fishburne finds a balance between action hero and Zen master .
劳伦斯。费斯伯恩在动作英雄和 禅宗大师之间找到了平衡。
Taoism and Zen through Chinese classical poems directly or indirectly has made great influences on American modern poems .
道 禅 思想或直接性地、或间接性地以中国古典诗歌为 桥梁影响和推动了美国诗歌的改变。
He 's a Zen Buddhist .
乔布斯是 禅宗佛教徒。
Zen occupies an important position in traditional Chinese culture and the introduction of dhyana has reinforced its metaphysical features .
The cultural landscape was composed of poetic and artistic moon culture and profound Zen ideology culture .
人文景观由诗情画意的月文化和平实深邃的 禅宗文化组成。
Do you know about the realm of emptiness in zen ?
您知道 禅宗 所谓空的境界是什么吗?
His disciples passed his Chan or Zen teaching to Korea and Japan and now it has spread to Europe and America too .
他的弟子们把 禅学传到了韩国和日本,现在还传到了欧洲和美洲。
Luo Fu 's Zen poems impress the readers not only with their epiphanic lines but also with the poet 's intense concern about life and reality .
从洛夫的 禅诗中不仅读到了许多妙悟和顿悟的诗语,更能读出他对现实和人生的强烈关注。
Zen emblazed me for much moment in my life and caused me to continue to persist for art .
The training is the same for a Zen warrior for a Samurai & the same .
这种训练与 禅宗的战士、日本武士一样&这是一样的。
The drama Snow in June expressed the writer 's understanding to Zen through the debate of Shenxiu and Huineng .
《六月雪》的剧本也是通过神秀与慧能的这场辩论,进一步说清了作者对 禅的理解。
Huang and Buddhism Zen especial the Linji school through analyzing the poem about Stone-bull-hole beside the Shangu Temple .
本文从分析黄庭坚的《题山谷石牛洞》诗入手,指出他和 禅宗,特别是与临济宗的关系。
It takes years of instruction and dedication to turn them into powerful masters of Zen .
它需要多年的教学和奉献精神使他们成为强大的主人 禅。
Suddenly found that technical work is full of Zen .
突然发现,做技术是一个 如此富有 禅意的工作。
The shortcoming of Zen aesthetic studies lies in the narrowness both of research methods and perspective .
During such process the methods in Zen have exerted great influence-the re-estimation of significance .
其中, 禅学特有的思想方法发挥了重要的作用,这就是意义重估。
Li Mu : I like Buddhism and read some books about Zen .
李牧:我很喜欢佛教,有时候读些 禅宗的书。
During the transformation of kung fu it was greatly influenced by Taoism and Zen .
在功夫的发展过程中,受到了道教和 禅宗的极大影响。
Why live more like a Zen monk ?
为什么活得像一个 禅宗和尚?
Finally it was also in this same period that two schools of Zen Buddhism were introduced from China .
最后,也有人在这同一时期,两所学校的 禅介绍了来自中国。
I did martial arts from a young age and studied Zen .
我以前从一个年轻的 宗师那学习武术。
You reversed the inside and outside between which there is a certain relationship and Zen .
你把内外颠倒了一下,这跟 禅宗之间是有一定关系的。
Riding on Zen 's wings the Chinese classical esthetics entered the artistic psychology age .
乘着 禅宗的双翼,中国古典美学进入了艺术心理学时代。