The young man is dead . We have only to consider the living .
这位 年轻人已经死了。我们只能考虑在生之人。
A sea change has taken place in young people 's attitudes to their parents .
I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people
我大胆地提出了这样的观点:保持 年轻的秘诀就在于和年长的人交往。
I find most of the young men of my own age so boring
我觉得和我同龄的 年轻人大多都很无聊。
He seemed to me very young and very lonely .
我觉得他似乎非常 年轻,非常孤独。
The young parents spoiled their only son .
那对 年轻的父母惯坏了他们的独生子。
The hen may not be able to feed its young .
雌鸟可能无法给 幼鸟喂食。
Young men climbed on buses and fences to get a better view
为了看得更清楚些, 年轻人爬上了公共汽车和围墙。
In Scotland young people can marry at 16
在苏格兰, 年轻人16岁就可以结婚。
Their books are loved by young readers the world over .
他们的书得到了全世界 年轻读者的喜爱。
My parents divorced when I was very young
我很 小的时候父母就离婚了。
I think the young man is getting interested in gardening
我认为这个 年轻人开始对园艺产生兴趣了。
Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life .
布拉德·皮特扮演一名因对生命怀有极大热情而注定在劫难逃的 年轻人,抢尽了镜头。
He had always looked so young but he seemed to have aged in the last few months
他原来一直看起来很 年轻,但最近几个月他显得老了。
Even very young premature babies respond to their mother 's presence
即使是很 小的早产儿也会对母亲的出现做出反应。
He has grown into a fine young man .
他长成了一个 翩翩少年。
Most of them have young children below school age .
他们中多数人都有 岁数不到学龄期的孩子。
More and more young men are widowed by cancer
越来越多的 青年男子被癌症夺去了妻子。
He played with his younger brother .
他和 弟弟一起玩。
You weren 't so very young when she died ; you were old enough to remember .
她去世的时候你不算太 年幼,已经能记事了。
He has grown into a young man of twenty-two .
他已成长为22岁的 青年了。
The young couple decided to have a child .
You look like a nice upstanding young man .
你看起来像是一个正直的好 青年。
I was twenty-three I suppose and young for my age
我当时23岁,我想,看上去比实际年龄 小。
I want to see more opportunities for young people .
我希望 年轻人能有更多机会。
He had too much money for a young man .
对于一个 年轻人来说,他太有钱了。
He is divorced with a young son .
他离婚了,带着一个 年幼的儿子。
In her younger days my mother had been a successful fashionwear saleswoman .
我妈妈 年轻时曾经是个成功的时装销售员。
Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people
父辈们有能力支配孩子们和 年轻人的生活。