your lord

[jʊr lɔrd][jɔ: lɔ:d]

[法] 法官阁下

  • Watch ye therefore because ye know not what hour your Lord will come .

    所以,你们要醒寤,因为你们不知道:在那一天 你们 主人要来。

  • And thank your Lord that he can turn even your painful memory into a blessing .

    同时感谢 他可以将你痛苦的记忆化为祝福。

  • Vanish for ever all thought of indulging the flesh if you would live in the power of your risen Lord .

    倘若 要活在复活 的能力中,就永远要摒弃所有放纵肉体的思想。

  • Why then have you not kept watch over your lord the king ? For one of the people came in to destroy the king your lord .

    民中有人进来要害死王你的主,你为何没有保护王 呢?

  • Have you boys accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior ?

    你们这些孩子接受耶稣为 上帝吗?

  • And David sent messengers unto the men of Jabeshgilead and said unto them Blessed be ye of the LORD that ye have shewed this kindness unto your lord even unto Saul and have buried him .

    大卫就差人去见基列雅比人,对他们说, 你们厚待 你们的主扫罗,将他葬埋。愿 耶和华赐福与你们。

  • You can 't call Jesus your Lord when you refuse to obey him .

    若不顺服他就不能称耶稣 为主

  • For the sake of your name Lord forgive my iniquity for it is great .

    ,为了 圣名的原故,求你赦免我重大的愆尤。

  • As preaching disciples do you recount your experience to your Lord ?

    作为传道的门徒,你有没有把你的经历 告诉 呢?

  • No one has ever been your Lord and master .

    没有人是 夫君

  • I can teach you about Jesus but I cannot make Jesus your Lord .


  • Your Father Lord Shingen is right here .

    令尊信玄 大人就在这里。

  • 33 he said to them : 'Take your lord 's servants with you and set Solomon my son on my own mule and take him down to Gihon .

    王对他们说,要带领 你们 的仆人,使我儿子所罗门骑我的骡子,送他下到基训。

  • You honor me with your offer Lord .

    的提议是我的光荣, 大人

  • Muslims believe that Jesus never wanted to be worshipped as a deity and that his message was very simple : Worship God your Lord and mine and follow my example .

    穆斯林相信耶稣从来不想被作为神崇拜,他的讯息非常简单:“崇拜上帝, 我的 ,并以我为榜样。”

  • Serve your Lord who created you and those before you ; haply ye may fear !

    提供给 勋爵谁创造你和你的面前;或许你们可能担心!

  • His blue-blooded documents containing it as the son of your Lord also as the son of the Princess this examination of their origin is likely to be the son of Princess Margaret .

    他出身高贵,文献载其为 之子,亦作公主之子,今考其出身很可能是公主之子。

  • Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny ?

    们要否认 你们 的那一项恩典呢?

  • But in your bed Lord Sultan I never will lie !

    我绝不躺在 苏丹的床上!

  • Without your marriage to Lord barkis .

    如果没有 和巴克斯 勋爵的婚姻。

  • You do what your Lord asks .

    去实现 马歇尔 的愿望。

  • Do you renounce the devil and embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior ?

    你愿意抛弃魔鬼并信奉基督为 和救赎吗?

  • Therefore keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come .

    所以,你们要警醒,因为不知道 你们 是那一天来到。

  • First God Bie is your Lord you shall have no other Gods before Him .

    第一条,鳖神是 ,除鳖神外,你不可有别的神。

  • If you want your Lord to support you you are a winner .

    如果你希望 襄助你,你是一个胜利者。

  • I am your lord and master !

    我是 君主,我是你的主人!

  • Your face Lord I will seek .

    那时 心向 耶和华 的面我正要寻求。

  • If you are recognizing your Lord you have no business with where He engineers your circumstances .

    所以 只要认清是 ,就不必问他怎样处理环境。

  • I hope I didn 't hurt your Lord .

    我没把 主公弄伤吧?