yield value

[jild ˈvælju][ji:ld ˈvælju]


  • It was shown that the best rheological property of the coatings for EPC is pseudoplastic fluid which have a certain yield value and slight thixotropy .

    试验得出,涂料流型以有一定 屈服 和较小触变性的假塑性流体为佳。

  • The flow characteristics ( pour point apparent viscosity and yield value ) of Shengli wax-bearing crude and the wax deposit characteristics can be improved appreciably by adding a flow improver of poly higher mixed alcohol acrylates ( PMHAA ) under suitable conditions .

    采用自行研制的聚丙烯酸高级混合醋作流动性改进剂,在适宜的条件下,可使胜利油田含蜡原油的流动特性(凝点、粘度和 屈服 )和石蜡沉积特性得到明显改善。

  • In this paper a study on the relationship between the characteristic parameters of fine powder of slag and its content in cement and the rheological properties of cement paste ( including viscosity and yield value ) was made .

    主要考虑了矿渣微粉颗粒群特征及掺量与水泥浆体流变性能(粘度η和 屈服 τ)之间的关系。

  • Analysis of Effect on Eggplant Yield and Value by Treating Seeds with Plasma

    等离子体处理茄子种子对 产量产值的效果分析

  • Combined GM ( 1.1 ) with Markov method it is analyzed that the data of citrus yield in Zhejiang province and forecasted the future yield value the original data were made better by weight - smoothing way and then the precision of forecasting was improved .

    将灰色系统观测模型(GM(1.1)与马尔柯夫链相结合,分析了浙江省柑桔产量的时间序列,采用加权平滑法处理原始数据,对今后几年浙江省柑桔 产量进行了观测。

  • Quenching and tempering heat treatment are integrated in order to improve the mechanical properties of fasteners to meet the product requirements of tensile strength and yield ratio value .

    热处理调质是为了提高紧固件的综合力学性能,满足产品规定的抗拉强度 比。

  • There is a strongly structured interfacial film between the water and oil phases . The interfacial pressure interfacial viscosity and interfacial primary yield value of the film can be the parameters for evaluating the strength of the film and the stability of the emulsions .

    在油水界面,由原油界面活性组分形成的界面膜具有较强的结构,油水界面压、界面粘度、界面 屈服 可作为衡量界面膜结构强度的参数;

  • Interfacial film formed from oil-water interface . The yield value of interfacial film increase as the emulsifier content increase and the yield value of motor model oil system is larger than diesel oil system .

    油水界面间形成界面膜的屈服值随着乳化剂的含量增加逐步增加,且机油体系比柴油体系的界面 屈服 大。

  • So despite the rush for yield value investors lose out .

    所以,即便同样是追求 收益价值投资者已经落败。

  • The static wind initial angle and material yield value have great effects on the limited wind speed .

    静风初始攻角与材料的 屈服 强度对静风承载力影响较大。

  • Fermentation experiments with shake flasks verified that there was no statistical difference between the yield value and antibacterial activity forecasted by the model .

    经摇瓶 发酵试验和抑菌活性验证该理论预测 与实际 无显著差异。

  • The rheological property of emulsion was non Newtonian fluid and the yield value of emulsion was 587 dyne / cm 2 .

    流变学研究表明乳剂属于非牛顿流体, 屈服 为587dyne/cm2。

  • The graft yield value can be regulated by the concentration of monomer .

    接枝 大小可以用单体浓度来调节;

  • The yield and value of leaf fertilizer Puli treatment were lower than control which lead to38.52 % reduction in value .

    普利叶面肥处理烤烟的 产量 产值均比对照低,其中产值比对照减少38.52%。

  • Whether the crude is treated by flow improver or not yield value of dynamically cooled crude is much lower than that after static cooling .

    不论原油加降凝剂与否,经历动冷后原油的 屈服 远小于静冷的原油。

  • With different wearing size under inner pressure when the casing reached its yield value the relationship of the wearing size with the resisting inner pressure coefficient the casing Von Mises inner stress and the casing inner displacement is analyzed .

    并分析了不同磨损量时,在内压作用下,套管管体达到 屈服时,磨损量与抗内压系数、套管内VONMISES应力以及套管内的位移变化关系。

  • Extra ( super ) heavy oil has high yield value and poor mobility so that oil production should be kept on to avoid high start-up pressure due to shut-in ;

    特(超)稠油具有较大的 屈服 ,流动性差,因此应尽可能连续开井生产,以避免因停产而造成较大的启动压力;

  • The results of star site cluster and grey system analysis indicated that the cotton boll composition yield value of five groups of breeding parents decreased clockwise and progressively in the star site cluster chart .

    星座图聚类与灰色评价结果表明,星座图中五类亲本的棉铃组份 产量 呈顺时针方向梯度性递减。

  • The Orthogonal Test on Restart Yield Value of Gelled Crude Oil

    胶凝原油启动 屈服 正交试验

  • The viscosity the yield value τ H and the flow behavior index n of hexaflumuron SC were gradually bigger with the increasing the days stored at room temperature .

    随着常温贮存天数增加,氟铃脲悬浮剂粘度逐渐增加, 屈服 τH逐渐变大,流动行为指数n也逐渐变大。

  • The results indicate that PS-1231 is superior in tackifying stable to acids alkalis and salts and higher in yield value of water-solubility .

    表明:PS&1231多糖具有增粘性强,对酸、碱、盐稳定,水溶液 屈服 高等独特性能。

  • The results show that the content of B can be increased by purification the surface acidity of boron reduces and the apparent viscidity and yield value of B / HTPB mixture increase slowly with the increase of mixing time .

    结果表明,硼粉的提纯处理使硼元素含量小幅度增加,硼粉表面酸性降低,B/HTPB混合物的 屈服 和表观黏度增长减缓。

  • The addition of the compound makes the viscosity of C_2 cement paste increases and the yield value of it decreases in the meanwhile .

    复合矿物掺合料的掺入使C2水泥浆体的粘度增大,而使 屈服 减小。

  • This yield value can be regarded as long-term strength of the soil .

    当剪应力超过某一屈服值后,曲线就成为非线性了,此 屈服 可视为土的长期强度。

  • The development level of agricultural economy of a region could be indicated by the grain yield value per Mu of this region to some extent .

    一个地区的粮食亩 产值,可以在一定程度上反映出这个地区的农业经济发展水平。

  • The location under irrigated conditions had a higher yield value than under dry land conditions .

    灌溉条件下各 产量 指标明显高于干旱地区。

  • Dividing the actual flow by the theoretical value calculated above will yield a value which taken as a percent indicates volumetric efficiency .

    实际流量除以理论流量 得出一个 数值,以百分比计,表示的即是容积效率。

  • Apparent viscosity (η _ ( app )) and yield value (τ _0 ) of the natural kaolinite suspension are both reduced by 99.5 % when 0.5g Na-HA / 100g clay is added .

    例如,当添加0.5g/100g粘土时,使天然高岭土悬浮液的表观粘度(η(app))和 屈服 (τ0)分别降低99.5%。

  • To yield value of output of much crop increases rate fast and no matter how much throw it is alleged beg speed not to say beneficial result only .

    为了产出多、 产量 产值增长速度快,而不管投入多少,就是所谓只求速度不讲效益。

  • In this case a script is a function that will yield a value .

    在这里,脚本即是一个 产生 的函数。