yellow chrome

[ˈjɛlo krom][ˈjeləu krəʊm]


  • The removal of excessive Pb ~ ( 2 + ) in the leachate of chrome yellow using chrome dreg

    渣制取 铬黄淋滤液中过量铅离子的去除研究

  • A Research about the Extraction Cr (ⅵ) in Chrome Slag and Recovery of Yellow Chrome

    铬渣中六价铬的提取与 铬黄 颜料 资源 技术研究

  • Result : the color distribution in each group of customized guide showed regular pattern . The arrangement order of chrome of the same color guide class in different groups was pink > yellow > orange > brown with markedly different color stage in chrome and different range .

    结果:测定数据表明,比色板各组颜色分布具有一定的规律性,不同组相同色阶比色板 彩度C排列顺序为:浅红色> 黄色>橙色>棕色,各组 色板色差及分布区域明显不同。