His uncontrolled behavior disturbed the entire class
他 放肆的举动扰乱了全班的秩序。
There 's a thing in this universe an uncontrolled force .
在宇宙中有这样一 股力量。
Uncontrolled emissions it must rise to serious discontent surrounding residents .
不 节制废气的排放,这必定引起了周围居民的严重不满。
Many of the processes in the sprint phase are unidentified or uncontrolled .
在冲刺阶段中的许多的过程是未经确认地和 不 可 控制的。
On the other lies the threat of chaos rising extremism and uncontrolled emigration .
另一方面,也存在着局势混乱、极端主义崛起、移民潮 失控等威胁。
A blood vessel from which there is uncontrolled bleeding .
出血 不 受 控制的血管。
The thoughts rushed into my mind uncontrolled .
各种想法 如 潮水般涌上我的 心头。
The main symptom of a gelastic seizure is uncontrolled laughter .
发作性痴笑的主要症状就是 控制 不住地大笑。
In an uncontrolled and rampant manner .
以 不 受 控制的、蔓生的方式。
We have two good reasons against the uncontrolled development of industry .
我们有两条充分理由反对工业 不 受 控制的发展。
Be extra cautious when heeling on uneven surface – debris and crevices can cause sudden stops and uncontrolled movements .
当遇到不平坦的地面时要格外小心&残渣和裂缝可能导致突然的停止并 使动作 失控。
The situation deteriorated into an uncontrolled struggle for power .
局势进一步恶化,变成了一场 失控的权力斗争。
This uncontrolled systemic inflammatory response leads to dangerously low blood pressure and ultimately organ failure .
这种 不 受 控制的系统性炎症反应会导致危险的低血压,最终器官衰竭。
Application of Petri Network in Conflict Analysis of Uncontrolled Intersections
Petri网络在 无 控制交叉口冲突分析中的应用
Uncontrolled expansion of cities and pollution from cars and industry .
城市的 自由扩张以及汽车和工业的污染。
He had not heard her cry before in this uncontrolled hopeless way
他从未听到过她如此绝望地 失声痛哭。
Discourage unsustainable agricultural practices uncontrolled deforestation destructive fishing practices and overfishing ;
阻止不可持续的农业活动、 未 加 控制的毁林活动、破坏性捕捞活动和过度捕捞;
The capital Nairobi is choking on uncontrolled immigration .
移民纷纷 涌入首都内罗毕,人满为患。
Virtually without exception today 's systems use semiconductors such as silicon rectifiers ( both controlled and uncontrolled ) .
现在,实际上毫无例外地都采用了如硅整流器的半导体技术(可控的和 不 可控的)。
What does not have to be inevitable is uncontrolled change also known as scope creep .
任何事情都有可能会在 不 受 控制的条件下改变,我们也可以称为“范围的蔓延”。
Uncontrolled introduction of changes to the production environment can harm the system .
在生产环境中 不 加 控制 地引入修改会破坏系统。
Excessive and uncontrolled use of antibiotics in humans and animals are major contributors to the spread of resistance .
在人类及动物中过多 并不 加 控制的使用抗生素是 造成耐药性蔓延的主要因素。
( pathology ) characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth ( especially of a tumor ) .
(病理学)以进行性的和 控制 不 住的生长为特点(特别是指肿瘤)。
Uncontrolled documents and the accompanying document transmittal will identify that documents are not subject to revision control .
传送的 非 受控文件和其附属文件不进行修订控制。
During production uncontrolled emission of exhaust gas has had a certain effect on the environment .
在生产过程中, 无 组织排放的废气对周围环境造成一定影响。
Established heart failure risks include uncontrolled high blood pressure diabetes and heart attack .
确定的心力衰竭危险包括 不 受控的高血压,糖尿病和心脏病。
At breakneck speed or with uncontrolled force . Swiftly with sure flying skill Alcock righted the plane .
飞快地以极快的速度或 无法 控制的力量地阿尔科克凭着熟练的飞行技术,迅速地使飞机恢复了平稳。
Julia blows her nose but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled .
朱莉娅擤了擤鼻子,不过她还是 不停地 啜泣。
Changes to any of these molecules can result in uncontrolled cell growth .
任何这些分子的变化都会导致 不 可 控制的细胞生长。