


  • The benchmark interest rate is effectively zero but that leaves quantitative easing and other unconventional measures .

    基准利率实际上已经为零,但这留下了定量宽松和其它 常规措施。

  • You 're deliberately unconventional . Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your non-conformity

    你故意有 传统,甚至连着装都在表明自己不认同主流思想。

  • This powerful and unconventional peacekeeper discovered the wormhole information in crichton 's mind .

    这个强大的 正统的和平卫士发现了克莱顿意识中的虫洞资料。

  • He continues to tread an unconventional path

    他还是 传统方式行事。

  • This paper analyse the geochemical characteristics of unconventional reservoir and cover through three examples of geochemical exploration in drill .

    本文运用井中化探的三个实例,对 常规的油气藏盖层和储集层的地化特征进行了分析。

  • It illustrates the growing importance of unconventional resources that require greater investment and more sophisticated technology to access .

    这一举动证明了 常规资源日益增长的重要性。 常规资源的获取需要投入更多资金和更为精深的技术。

  • They have also questioned some of its unconventional financial practices .

    他们还质疑HTF某些 常规的财务实践。

  • And a strong platform for future growth into unconventional resources .

    为未来进入 常规资源领域发展提供了一个强大的平台。

  • Zita was herself unconventional keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe .

    齐塔自己就不守 传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。

  • The implications of the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas reserves has been underestimated .

    美国对 传统石油和天然气的开采的影响也一直被低估。

  • Their marriage was unconventional .

    他们的婚姻 与众不同

  • As for unconventional weapons the genie is unfortunately already out of the bottle .

    不幸的是, 常规武器已经带来难以收拾的局面。

  • His effortless calligraphy has an unconventional grace of its own .

    他的书法,信笔写来,十分 超脱

  • The paper introduces three types of unconventional method and explains the application of them by examples .

    文章介绍了三种 非常 解法,并通过例子说明了这些方法的应用。

  • He had rather unconventional work habits preferring to work through the night .

    他的工作习惯跟 一般人很 一样,喜欢通宵工作。

  • You don 't need a Ph.D to decode their work but they do try to challenge audiences with unconventional material .

    解读他们的作品并不需要有博士学位,但他们的确在尝试用一些 传统素材来挑战观众的接受度。

  • He was known for his unconventional behaviour

    他的 特立独行是众所周知的。

  • According to the US Army the Vietnamese method is unconventional and uses cancer cells .

    根据美国军方的说法,越南的方法是“ 传统的”,这种方法使用了癌细胞。

  • The company developed a long-term development planning and implementation outline the company 's unconventional leap-forward development .

    公司制定了中长期发展规划和实施纲要,实现公司 常规、跨越式发展。

  • Experience in the US and UK suggests that unconventional monetary policy might work .

    美国和英国的经验表明, 常规的货币政策或许能奏效。

  • Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius

    莱纳斯·鲍林是个 标新立异的天才人物。

  • I know it 's an unconventional gift for an engagement party .

    我知道在一个订婚派队上这是件非 传统的礼物。

  • The guide does however contain unconventional wisdom such as tips on French driving .

    不过这个指南网站 提供了一些 不同寻常的经验之谈,比如在法国驾车出游的窍门。

  • Central Banks in advanced economies have responded with unconventional monetary policy actions which have increased global liquidity .

    发达经济体的央行采取 常规货币政策,增加了全球流动性。

  • This was my favourite novel because it figured a unconventional and unrestrained swordsman .

    这是我最喜欢的作品,因为他塑造了一个 放荡不羁、自由桀骜的形象。

  • However he has also regularly sparked diplomatic storms with other allies because of his highly unconventional style .

    然而,由于他不合 常规的风格,也引发了与其他盟友的外交风暴。

  • The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique

    该疫苗是用非 传统工艺生产的。