under the pretext of

[ˈʌndɚ ði ˈpriˌtɛkst ʌv][ˈʌndə ðə ˈpri:tekst ɔv]


  • And this nation is leading the world in confronting and defeating the man-made evil of international terrorism . ( 3 ) unilateral action under the pretext of US exceptionalism but in disregard of the international mechanism .

    美国正在领导世界打击并战胜国际恐怖主义这一人为的罪孽。采取 美国例外 ”为指导的单边主义,置国际机制于尴尬境地。

  • Government targets have a direct impact on trade friction . That is to say under specific conditions to achieve the objectives of is a pretext of creating trade friction ; the government is in pursuit of the political benefit beyond trade friction .

    政府目标对贸易摩擦有直接影响, 特定条件下实现 政府目标成为制造贸易摩擦的 借口,政府通过贸易摩擦谋求贸易以外的政治利益。

  • Under the pretext of travelling on business ( some cadres ) go holidaying and waste public money .

    出差 为名,游山玩水,给国家造成浪费。

  • John left early under the pretext of illness .

    今天约翰 生病 藉口,提早离开了。

  • March 2003 witnessed US military operations against a sovereign country under the pretext of its possession and threat of use of weapons of mass destruction ( WMDs ) .

    2003年3月, 美国 借口伊拉克拥有并威胁使用大规模杀伤性武器,对伊拉克进行了军事打击。

  • Under the pretext of defence needs .

    防御需要 借口

  • They stopped us on or under the pretext of asking for information .

    他们以询问 借口,拦住了我们。

  • The bandits rob money and articles under the pretext of searching for drugs .

    匪徒多 假借搜查毒品 名而抢劫财物。

  • He believes that one of his colleagues paid a paramilitary group to force him out of my job my research group and my country under the pretext that I am a member of a guerrilla group .

    他相信他的一位同事买通了一个准军事组织强迫他“辞职、离开研究组、离开我的祖国, 借口是我参与了一个游击队组织”。

  • The next day under the pretext of going hunting the king 's son returned dressed in yellow and they stared at each other this time for two hours ;

    第二天,那个王子身着黄色 猎装假装打猎,又来到了 城堡 ,他们对望了两个小时。

  • ' Jang made no scruple of committing such act of treachery in May last as selling off the land of the Rason economic and trade zone to a foreign country for a period of five decades under the pretext of paying those debts . '

    张成泽对自己的背叛行为没有丝毫不安:5月份他 假借偿还上述债务 名向外国出售了罗先经济贸易特区50年的土地使用权。

  • The former puts history above nature under the pretext of history while the latter stimulates nostalgia in the name of nature .

    前者 历史之名使历史凌驾于自然之上,后者又借自然之名呤唱怀旧 恋曲

  • Maximilian leaped at one bound into his crop of lucerne which he began to pull up in the most ruthless way under the pretext of being occupied in weeding it .

    马西米兰一下子跳进他的苜蓿花地里,开始用最无情的态度 野草来。

  • The boy refuses to go to school on under w_1920 the pretext of illness an ailment sickness w_1930 .

    这孩子 装病不去 上学

  • Under the pretext of study we spent our hours in the happiness of love and learning held out to us the secret opportunities that our passion craved .


  • When a game is ported to home-use game console they detoxify it under the pretext of refining it .

    当一个游戏被加工成为家用游戏时,他们就会 改良 名义 删减

  • He came to see me under the pretext of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money .

    请我指教 藉口前来看我,其实是想借钱。

  • Whoever imports under the pretext of using it as raw material solid waste that cannot be used as such shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

    以原料利用 为名,进口不能用作原料的固体废物 依照前款规定处罚。

  • The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle immaterial mistakes or errors .

    进口配额管理部门要求关税配额申请人提交的文件,应当限于为保证实施关税配额管理所必需的文件和资料,不得仅 细微 、非实质性的错 拒绝接受关税配额申请。