The article considered that professionalization of strong reciprocators and governmental strong reciprocity could mete out severe punishments to non-cooperators more effectively and the cooperation makes society possible under compulsion .
在此基础上,进一步认为,强互惠者的职业化以及政府型强互惠能更有效地对不合作者实施制裁,于是合作 在 强制 下使得社会成为可能。
The Kuomintang was unwilling to resist Japan and fought Japan only under compulsion .
他们是不愿意抗日的,后来抗日是 被迫的。
Are we under any compulsion to sign the document ?
我们 非签署这文件不可吗?
You are not under any compulsion to make a statement to the police .
你没有任何 义务向警察作出陈述。
I only learnt Latin under compulsion when I was at school .
在学校里时,我 因 被迫才学习了拉丁语。
But many petty-bourgeois elements had joined them under compulsion or had been duped into joining .
但是,这两个组织中有许多小资产阶级分子是 被迫或者被骗加入的。
However an agreement has so far not been reached on whether he took the examination from his own accord or under compulsion .
然而有关这一 事件 的 核心问题, 即 侯 方域参加乡试是 出于自愿还是 被迫,迄今尚未有一致的 看法。
It cannot bloom in the soil of persuasion in any form nor under compulsion nor is it the outcome of reward .
它不会在“说服”的土壤中生长,也无法 被 强迫,也不是追求回报的结果。
Did he do it voluntarily or under compulsion ?
他是自愿做之,还是 强迫做之?
I was pressed into Rugby under compulsion .
我是硬被 拉去打 橄榄球的。
Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity .
每个人的行为不仅 受外在 力量 的 约束,还要与内在需求协调一致。
A promise made under compulsion is of no force .
在 强迫 下作出的承诺是没有约束力的。
I will pay nothing under compulsion .
在 强迫 之下我分文也不愿付。
Especially during the Period of the Puppet Manchurian Regime under the compulsion of the Japanese immigration policy Korean immigrants and the free immigrants developed paddy field and planted rice Served for Japanese aggressive war .
尤其是伪满洲国时期, 在日本移民政策的 强制 下,朝鲜移民与以前迁来的自由移民一起,开发水田、种植水稻,为日本的侵略战争服务。
He is under no compulsion to sell .
他 没有销售的 义务。
Able to act at will ; not hampered ; not under compulsion or restraint .
能够任意动作;不受阻碍;不 在 强迫或者抑制 之下。
Although I had to search and did search for the right words I seemed to be making this descriptive effort almost against my will under a kind of compulsion from outside .
虽然我需要寻找,而我实在也寻找过,合适的字眼,我好像是 受着某种 外力 驱使,违背 己意的去作这种选词 用字的工夫。
But knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind .
但是 在 强迫 下获得的知识,掌握不住。
You need feel under no compulsion to accept .
你 不必 勉强接受。
I refuse to act under compulsion .
我决不能让人 逼着 做事。
But there is a big difference between making an editorial choice because you believe it enhances your credibility and doing so under compulsion of law .
但是,人们在作出编辑取舍决定时是 基于对提高可信度的考虑还是出于法律 的 强制,这两者有很大区别。
美[ˈʌndɚ kəmˈpʌlʃən]英[ˈʌndə kəmˈpʌlʃən]
被迫地[法] 被迫地