Ports in China are developing in an extremely high speed while under this cover they are generally lack of cooperation which leads to the problem of repeated construction and inefficient competition and so on .
我国港口 在高速发展的同时,却普遍缺乏合作,导致了港口重复建设, 同质低效竞争等问题。
Under the current background of climate warming the sensitivity of snow cover days at these stations will become greater ; that is snow cover days there will be more sensitive to air temperature .
未来气候继续变暖背景 下,这部分台站 积雪日数对气温的敏感度会进一步加大,即积雪 对气温的升高会更加敏感。
Based on the character of bridge under chloride environment improved corrosion rate model of concrete member is illustrated the influenced of different water cement ratio cover to bridge reliability is calculated which will provide basement for reliability design .
本文分析了影响钢筋锈蚀速率的因素,建立了修正的钢筋腐蚀速率模型,计算了不同水灰比、不同 保护 层 厚度等 对 桥梁构件可靠性发展的影响.并在应用中不断的改进、完善。
Soil Cover With Organic Mulch and Its Influences on Soil Physical Parameters (ⅱ) & Change of Soil Porosity Under Organic Mulch Cover Weighted average method is used to study the soil cover ′ s effect on the evapotranspiration in irrigated watershed .
有机物覆盖地面对土壤物理因素影响的研究(Ⅱ)&有机物 覆盖 对土壤孔隙度的影响利用灌区下垫 面分类明显的特点,用加权平均法解决 下垫面对流域蒸散发的影响;
The effect of increasing soil moisture treatment under the cover measures 4000kg / Hm2 obviously wants to be good in 8000kg / Hm2 .
秸秆覆盖处理增加土壤水分的效果, 覆盖量4000kg/hm2 要明显好于 8000kg/hm2。
Journal comprising more than one number under a single cover ( excl. those devoted primarily to advertising )
一 页 封面包含几 期刊物(不包括主要用作广告宣传的刊物)
Under cover of the Polar Night they emerge to paint the sky in the colours of time .
她们 在极夜 笼罩 下显灵,将天空渲染成时间的颜色。
Under the religious cover this thought is the law of process of history which Toynbee concluded from comparing histories of all cultures and the moral admonition Toynbee suggested to resolve the spiritual crisis of modern western civilization .
隐藏 在宗教 外衣 下,这一思想所指代的是汤因比在比较一切文明的全部历史的经验基础上分析推导出来的人类历史发展规律,以及其 针对当前精神危机所提出的道德训诫。
Analysis of the above data showed that under protection the natural forest cover in the Nature Reserve had been greatly restored with an area increase of 446 hm 2 in 1958 to 6 094 hm 2 in 1981 and the artificial wood land cover increased also .
结果显示 大青沟自然保护区内天然植被得到了很大程度的恢复,面积由1958年的446hm2增加 到了1981年的 6094hm2。人工林面积也有所增加。
Under cover of darkness the San Antonio which carried a large part of the supplies slipped away to the east and sailed back to Spain .
黑暗中,装有大部分食物的圣安东尼奥 偷偷 地离开溜 向东方,驶回西班牙。
Under the cover of a high-tech civil company the CIA took cooperated with a software development company in the Silicon Valley to design software'bugs'to collect information via the Internet .
在高技术民用公司 覆盖 下,CIA采取了与软件开发公司合作在硅谷 对设计软件‘臭虫’通过互联网收集信息。
For culture under cover it is important for producer to select cultivars . All in all people should select these breeds that have good quality wide leaf excellent upright habit the late time of nutrition blowing into bulb and root .
4 保护地韭菜 栽培,品种选用非常重要,从总体上看,宜选用品质好、 叶子宽、直立性好、回根晚的品种。
In case of accident to the Insured Vessel falling under the scope of cover the Insured shall notify the Company immediately and take all necessary measures to avoid aggravation of loss .
保险船舶发生本 保险 单责任范围内的事故后,被保险人应立即通知本公司,并采取一切必要措施救护,防止损失扩大。
But the braided type pneumatic artificial muscle is under the influences of elastic deformation friction and cover radial constraint in the work process of the pneumatic artificial muscle the precise modeling is very difficult the theory study remains to be perfect .
但是,编织型气动人工肌肉工作过程中 受橡胶弹性变形、 端 盖的径向约束、橡胶与编织丝以及编织丝间摩擦等影响,导致精确建模十分困难,在此方面的理论研究还有 待完善。
Two companies were moved up under cover of darkness to reinforce the front line .
Because of high pressure grouting construction being under cover TGP construction supervision department of Changjiang Water Resources Commission stipulated a set of check and acceptance procedure to guarantee the construction quality .
高喷 灌浆系 隐蔽工程,长江委三峡工程建设监理部制定的检查、验收办法, 确保了工程质量。
To the back of all the screw all the screws under the rear cover can be added to .
将背面的所有螺丝全部拧 下,就可以将 后盖拿下来。
Yet in one night under cover of darkness Washington evacuated his men across the river to Manhattan undetected and without a single casualty .
然而在一天晚上,华盛顿利用夜色作为 掩护,神不知鬼不觉地,不费一兵一卒就将其人马撤离 到河对岸的曼哈顿。
This letter is addressed to him under cover to his father .
这封信是 附 在 给他爸爸的信 内寄给他的。
Because limited liability company has characters based on capital and characters based on shareholders under the cover of the majority principle the controlling shareholder abuse his control power will be very easy and it is really hard for the other affected shareholders to get protect .
由于有限公司具有人合性和封闭性的特征,公司的控股股东在资本多数决的 掩护 下,其滥用控制权变得非常容易,而且受侵害的股东也很难获得法律的救济。
According to the feature of welding flat cover for hydraulic test analysis is made basing on large deflection of flat cover under maximum pressure to allow maximum deformation of the flat cover being equal to the calculated thickness of the flat cover .
根据试压用焊接平盖的特点,按 受压平板的大挠度分析允许平盖最大变形 等于平 盖的计算厚度;
The author takes the battery of 12 V 100 Ah as a typical example to introduce how to optimize its internal construction design under the given dimensions of battery container and cover and also how to select raw material as well as battery processing .
作者以12V100Ah产品为例阐述在既定的电池槽 盖 条件 下如何优选产品内部结构设计以及 在试制工作中 如何选择原材料及一系列生产工艺。
The National Government carried out ten years local self-government of 1930s under cover of patriotism which claimed to be inherited the teachings left by the deceased premier .
国民政府也 打着继承孙中山总理 遗教的旗帜,在20世纪30年代进行了十年的地方自治。
Human nature is alienated under the cover of power and loses his wholeness . Thus this attempt of self-affirmation through power is doomed to failure .
人性因此在权力 遮蔽 下被异化,失去了人的完整性,因此这种试图通过权力获得实现自我确认的努力终将 归于失败。
He 'll love and hate equally under cover and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again .
他默默的爱,默默的恨,却又 把被爱和被恨看作是不应 时宜的工作。
Under submachine gun cover the company commander rushed forward to the foot of the enemy 's blockhouse .
连长 在冲锋枪的 掩护下冲 到了敌人的碉堡下面。
The fatigue life of middle location of under cover plate of north beam is calculated by Paris formula . Meanwhile impact for fatigue life to parameter change of Paris formula are discussed .
根据Paris公式计算了起重机北主梁 下 盖板的跨中部位的疲劳寿命,并讨论了Paris公式中参数的改变 对起重机疲劳寿命的影响。
Index system of safety culture assessment is the blueprint to comprehensively measure safety work of enterprises . Under the guidance of clear assessment objective safety culture assessment should cover as many aspects as possible and eventually come to the operating floor of safety culture .
安全文化评价指标体系是对被评价对象进行全面考察的工作蓝本, 在明确评价目标的指导 下,尽可能从多方位评价企业安全文化的 各个方面,最终落实 到安全文化的操作层面。
美[ˈʌndɚ ˈkʌvɚ tu]英[ˈʌndə ˈkʌvə tu:]