Our best brains will not work for British banks if they are under the dead hand of the Treasury for too long or if the tax system is skewed against them being rewarded for hard work and success .
如果财政部的不死 阴魂 管的时间太长或税收体系不利于他们在辛勤工作和成功后得到奖赏,我们的头脑精英将不再为英国银行服务。
To trade with another Habbo just click on them and a'trade'button will appear under their name on the bottom right hand side of the Habbo window .
和其他哈宝交易时,只要点击该哈宝,一个“交易”按钮就会出现 在 该 哈宝的名字 下面。
The arithmetic can embed many information to halftone image under the precondition of watermarking invisibility on the other hand the extract of watermarking is accurate .
在保证水印信息视觉不 可见性 的前提 下实现了较大信息量的水印嵌入和可靠 的水印信息提取,提出了一种基于人眼视觉系统模型的半色调图像数字水印算法。
Meanwhile under the special historical environment on one hand they inherited and developed their own inherent traditional culture of nationality on the other hand because of influenced by other nationality and country they formed their own nation characterful society politics economy and culture .
同时, 朝鲜移民 在特定的历史环境中,一 方面继承和发展本民族固有的传统文化,另一方面又受到其他民族与国家的影响,从而形成了具有自身民族特色的社会经济与文化。
Under the new world situation on one hand traditional state sovereignty confront a series of new challenges on the other hand there exist inherent defects in the increasing international intervention .
在世界新形势 下,传统的国家主权面临一系列新挑战,但日益增多的国际干涉存在着明显的缺陷。
A certificate under the hand of the chairman of the committee that any person therein named is a member of the said Wanchai church shall be accepted for all purposes as sufficient proof of the fact that such person is a member of the said Wanchai church .
就任何目的而言,委主席署 的明,明明上 所 指名的人是上述仔堂的成,接受人是仔堂的成的事的充分明。
It is such a great honor that I can work under the wise and guiding hand of the Company .
能够在公司 的英明指导 下工作,这是我极大的荣幸。(对公司领导、老板拍马屁时说的话)
The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner .
这契约是由所有权人签名 盖章的。
Allocating resources through investment and trade under the guidance of the invisible hand reducing the impact of adverse factors on cross-strait trade and promoting cross-strait economic and trade development is to formulate the principle of cross-strait economic and trade policies .
让资源通过投资与贸易 在看不见的 手 的指引 下进行配置,减少各种不利因素对两岸经贸的影响,促进两岸的经贸发展是制定两岸经贸政策的原则。
Because the bull by its nature refuses to give in to death until it is in fact dead under the hand of the matador it must remain a fighting bull .
因为公牛,出于天性会宁死不屈,它必定仍会保持是头好斗 的牛,直到它真丧死 在斗牛士 手中。
It shall be lawful for the governor to indicate that he wishes the advice of the Commission upon any matter which he is by the Ordinance authorized to refer by writing under the hand of the Secretary for the civil service requesting such advice .
总督可 藉书面表示他冀望委员会就本条例授权他转介予委员会的任何事项提供意见,而该项书面请求须 由公务员事务司 亲自签署。
Therefore while under the same condition you will get the upper hand in terms of opportunities compared with others !
因此, 在同样的条件下,你会得到其他 人没有的机会的回报。
The city travels presents some different aesthetic qualities under the hand of different creation groups and the different ways of their contemplation .
创作群体以及观照方式的不同,使城市游记呈现出 不同 的审美品质。
An applicant who is in custody may be brought before a judge by warrant under the hand of the registrar for the hearing of his application .
正在扣押中的申请人,可为其申请的聆讯,而藉司法常务官亲笔签署 的 手令 被带到法官席前。
The instrument of labor under information economy on the other hand is electronic computers with knowledge of information technology as its basis .
而信息经济 的劳动工具是电子计算机;以信息科学技术知识为基础 的信息经济是知识经济的物质技术基础;
Did all this happen just by chance ? Or did all those circumstances combine together under the hand of God ?
一切事情都是偶然发生,还是都是 出自神的安排?
And the LORD said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven : but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash .
14:27耶和华并没有说要将以色列的名从 天下涂抹,乃 藉约阿施的儿子耶罗波安拯救他们。
After the defeat of the Axis powers Yugoslavia became a federal socialist state under the strong hand of Josip Broz Tito .
在法西斯轴心力量被打败了之后,南斯拉夫成为了一个被 提托强权统治 下 的联邦社会主义国家。
A preliminary report on full length phrenic nerve harvesting under thoracoscope and the phrenic nerve transfer for hand function reconstruction in total root avulsion of brachial plexus
胸腔镜 下切取膈神经移位重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤 手 部功能初步报告
Under the influence of many factors people on the one hand have high expectation of and show great concern to school education and even exaggerate and deify its role .
在众多因素 的影响 下,人们一 方面对学校教育寄予了高度的期待和积极的关注,甚至将学校教育功能夸大、神圣化;
Every time she held the skimmer under the pump to cool it for the work her hand trembled the ardour of his affection being so palpable that she seemed to flinch under it like a plant in too burning a sun .
她每次把撇奶油 的勺子拿到冷水管 下面冷却时, 手直发颤,她也可以感觉到他的感情是那样炽热,而她就像是猛烈燃烧着的太阳底下的一棵植物,似乎想避开逃走。
He ripped up production sharing contracts signed under the previous government forcing foreign oil companies to hand over more of their profit to the state .
他撕毁了前任政府签署 的产量分成合同,强迫外国原油公司向国家上 交更多利润。
And let them gather all the food of those good years that come and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh and let them keep food in the cities .
叫他们把将来丰年一切的粮食聚敛起来,积蓄五谷,收存在各城里作食物,归于法老 的 手下。
This thesis puts forward virtual temperature load method combined with the technology of Element Both and Death which guarantees the continuity under construction in one hand in the other hand can keep and output the result of each stage .
提出了结合单元生死技术的虚拟温度荷载调索法,该方法一方面保证了模型 在施工过程的前后继承性, 同时 也可以保存、输出各阶段的计算结果。
In such a condition our whole being lies perfectly still under the hand of God ;
他的全人会完全安安静静地伏在上帝 的 手下;
However under the invisible hand of market TV media has been forced to seek the profit by the pressure of living .
然而 在市场 这只看不见的 手的指挥 下,电视媒体迫于生存的压力已不自觉地走上了逐利之路。
Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that in due time he may exalt you .
你们要自卑,服 在神大能 的 手下,到了时候他必叫你们升高。
There was much betting and people went in and out of the room under the kerosene lights and he had looked at the arm and hand of the negro and at the negro 's face .
好多人在赌谁胜谁负,人们在室内 的煤油灯 下走出走进,他打量着黑人的胳膊和 手,还有这黑人的脸。
So Moab was subdued that day under the hand of Israel . And the land was undisturbed for eighty years .
士3:30这样、押就被以色列人 制伏了。国中太平八十年。
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