


  • Design of Control system of Bionic Underwater Vehicle Propelled by Multiple Undulatory Fins


  • Such is the undulatory nature of the movement of opposites in all things .

    这是事物矛盾运动的 曲折性。

  • The thrust and propulsive efficiency of the long-based fin undulating can be analyzed by applying the derived kinematic model and the equilibrium equations of the undulatory fin .

    依据所建立的运动学模型和柔性长鳍波动的平衡方程,可以进一步解析 柔性 波动运动的动力学性能。

  • In the foundation of cycle undulatory theory the booming theory founded the booming index using it to monitor the influence of macroscopic economy by cyclical undulation .

    而景气理论则是在周期 波动理论的基础上,构建景气指数来监测宏观经济受经济周期波动的影响。

  • To realize the undulatory control of the flexible fin a locomotory model is analyzed and a distributed control structure is designed .

    针对 柔性 特有 波动控制问题,分析了柔性 鳍的运动模型,并设计了一种分布式控制系统结构。

  • Number of Elements in a Usable Binary Cyclic Sequence and Undulatory Element Distribution

    可用二元周期序列的元素数目和 波动分布

  • Dynamic analysis of undulatory propulsion of long flexible fin

    柔性长鳍 波动推进动力学分析

  • The test system has the following capabilities including 6-DOF hydrodynamic measurement 2-DOF movement guiding and movement parameter measurement of carrier etc. It is an important test platform supporting the study of underwater vehicle based on undulatory propulsion of long flexible Fin .

    论文研究的测试系统具有6分力测量、2自由度运动导向以及载体运动参数测量等功能,是支撑柔性长鳍 波动推进水下机器人研究的重要试验平台。

  • It combines the fuzzy controller and the self-adaptive unit achieving the undulatory control of the flexible fin in uncertain environments .

    它将模糊控制器和自适应单元相结合,解决了不确定环境下柔性 波动控制问题。

  • Hydrodynamic Model for Fish 's Undulatory Motion and Its Applications

    描述鱼类 波状 游动的流体力学模型及其应用

  • The distribution of the maximum depth of undulatory wears on the rails under the4 wheels of the same bogie is different ;

    同一个转向架4个车轮作用下形成的钢轨 最大深度 波谷的分布是不同的;

  • Further the equilibrium equations of the undulatory fin were obtained by applying the membrane theory of thin shells which took into account the geometrical non-linearity of the structure .

    进而,从弹性薄壳理论出发,考虑 柔性 结构的几何非线性,并引入无矩薄壳理论的 假定,建立了 柔性 波动的平衡方程。

  • Research on swimming by undulatory long dorsal fin propulsion

    长背鳍 波动推进游动研究

  • On the other hand the analysis on the results also promoted the research of the undulatory propulsive mechanism .

    另一方面,对试验结果的分析也 验证 波动推进机理,并可以促进对该机理的进一步研究。

  • Employing the fundamental principle of linear filter model an improved simulation method is developed based on a high-order filter model for randomly undulatory sea surface .

    根据线性滤波器模型的基本原理,提出了一种改进的基于高阶滤波器的随机 起伏海面仿真方法。

  • From R. descartes R. Hooke and pardies to C. Huygens : development of Huygens undulatory theory

    从R.笛卡儿、R.胡克和帕蒂到C.惠更斯:惠更斯 波动理论的发展

  • A study of quantitative interpretation for fixed point source sounding method under undulatory terrain


  • Design of Movable Teeth Undulatory Decelerator

    活齿 波动减速器的设计

  • According to the simplified kinematic model the bionic set of the undulatory dorsal fin has been designed in a three-dimensional CAD software .

    根据设计参数和数学建模的结果,设计出 柔性 背鳍运动的仿生装置,并在三维CAD软件中进行 零件 建模 虚拟 装配

  • Kinematic modeling and motion algorithm for long undulatory fins

    仿生 波动 运动学建模及算法研究

  • The research indicates that the Chinese market is a relative seal emerging market the undulatory property is big is enhancing gradually with other national capital market relevance policies and regulations still not very perfect may supply the investment the financial instruments to be few .

    研究表明,中国市场是一个相对封闭的新兴市场, 波动性大,与其它国家资本市场相关性正在逐步提高,政策法规尚不十分健全,可供投资的金融工具较少。

  • The second class methods mainly bases on elasticity undulatory theory through simulation or reversal development method forecast multiple and then match it with the original data .

    第二类主要是基于弹性 波动理论的方法,通过模拟或反演方法来预测原始数据中多次 ,继而从原始数据中匹配 减去所预测的 多次

  • The experimental tests show the feasibility and creditability of the theoretic and computational conclusions . 4 . Improvement of the undulatory fin propulsion system .

    实验结果较好地验证了理论推导和数值计算结论的可信性和正确性。4. 仿生 鱼鳍装置的初步改进。

  • A judgement experiment for undulatory theory of light

    光的 波动说判定性实验

  • In this paper . the Euler equation and equation of continuity of water movement are linearized on the basis of the small disturbance principle then the undulatory equation is solved .

    本文通过对水流运动的欧拉(Eulcr)方程和连续方程按小扰动原理进行线性化处理,然后求其 波动方程的解。

  • The test platform utilizes the bionic device to imitate diversified undulatory movement modes of bionic object uses the measurement system to obtain the hydrodynamic force and moment under the static and dynamic condition and realizes remote operation through the measurement and control system .

    测试平台利用仿生装置模拟仿生对象多种 波动运动模式,借助测量系统对受 模型的 各种 波动运动进行静态与动态流体动力/力矩测量,并通过测控系统对整个平台进行远程测控。

  • According to inertia principle rail undulatory wear inspection system adopts analog digital composite filtering method to process data and eliminates the speed influence on measurement results .

    钢轨 磨检测系统根据惯性测量原理,采用模拟&数字混合滤波的数据处理方法,消除了速度对检测结果的影响。

  • We established a kinematic model of the long-based undulatory fin on the basis of analyzing the long-based dorsal fin locomotion and considering the fluid-structure interaction .

    在分析长 背鳍运动和流固耦合的基础上,建立了柔性 波动 鳍的运动学模型;