Unassimilated beliefs unexamined ideas can seem to adopt a life of their own .
未同化的信念、 未 检查的观念,会看上去采用它们自己的一种生活。
Usually the lives of black women go largely unexamined .
通常 来讲,黑人女性的生活并不 受 人 关注。
Their thoughts are a tangle of unexamined impulses .
他们的想法是 没有 条理一团 乱麻。
Histopathological examination of the neck dissection thus provides significant information for staging and prognosis . However most parts of a lymph node are usually left unexamined which suggests that many metastatic cells are overlooked .
颈清扫后的组织病理学检查可以为分期和预后提供重要信息,然而一个淋巴结的大部分通常 未被检查,许多淋巴结转移被忽视。
Some even argue that an unexamined life is not worth living .
有人甚至争辩:一种 未 经 细究的生活,不值得一过。
Socrates The unexamined shit is not worth shitting .
未 经 检验 的 大便不值得大。
Facts are terrible things if left spreading and unexamined . They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic .
如果任其事实流传而 不 加 检验,这样的事实是可怕的,因为它们极容易被认为是已获定评的事实,而不是迫切需要处理使之具有逻辑条理的原始材料中最原始的部分。
Undisciplined people driven by their personal antipathies and sympathies are forever on the lookout for signs that build up or reinforce their unexamined views and opinions .
没有修养的人被他们个人的好恶所驱使,他们永远都在巡视是不是有什么讯息可以建构或强化他们 未 经 检视的看法与见解。
Two full years of recession have not left many unexamined family expenses .
整整两年的经济衰退让许多家庭的开支已经无 处 可 减。
No proposition is to be left unexamined .
任何命题都会 予以 审视。
If you have no unexamined thoughts this won 't be difficult ;
如果你没有 未 检查的想法, 回答上面的问题并不会困难。
Socrates instructed us that the unexamined life is not worth living .
苏格拉底教诲我们, 不知 反省的生命不值得一活。
Yet for too long we have allowed an unexamined faith in market incentives to drive social regulatory imperatives into the shadows .
然而长久以来,我们 听任对市场激励举措 未 经调查的信心导致社会监管责任流于 形式。