Process in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual ; common among insects and some other arthropods .
由未 受精 卵形成新个体的过程;在昆虫和其他节肢动物中比较普遍。
The ultrastructure of the eggshell of fertilized egg and unfertilized egg of Alligator sinensis was studied by scanning electron microscopy .
为比较扬子鳄受精卵及 未 受精 卵卵壳,用扫描电镜观察其超微结构。
Studies on the Law of Variation of Electricity Potential of Unfertilized Egg
未 受精 鸡蛋电位变化规律的研究
A picture on which you can see the arrow pointing the unfertilized egg !
可以看到肩头指的那 只 蛋 是 没有 受精的!
Daley of the Children 's Hospital of Boston uses a procedure known as parthenogenesis in which a series of chemical treatments are used to encourage an unfertilized egg to begin embryonic development .
Daley博士领导了这项新的研究利用一系列的化学方法来处理单性细胞,从而促使未 受精 卵进行胚胎发育。
There was a negative correlation between unfertilized egg rate and blood protein of silkworm larvae .
不同蚕品种的 不 受精 卵率与熟蚕血液蛋白含量呈显著的负相关(-06903)。
The scientists first removed the DNA from an unfertilized human egg and then inserted a patient 's mature skin cell ─ containing the patient 's DNA ─ into that egg .
科学家首先从一个 未 受精 的 卵子中取出DNA,然后在卵子中植入含有病人DNA的成熟皮肤细胞。