


  • The term unearned premium reserves refers to the reserves drawn by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities .

    未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为 尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的 准备金

  • Net allocations additional amount for unexpired risk

    拨款净额经费 净额分配款项 净额 过期风险的额外款额

  • None of the directors has an unexpired contract with the Group which is not terminable by the Group within one year without payment of compensation ( other than statutory compensation ) .

    本集团并无与各董事订立不可于一年内毋须补偿(法定补偿除外)而终止之 届满合约。

  • Net-to-gross tax relationship additional amount for unexpired risk

    税款净额对毛额关系 过期风险的额外款额

  • Additional amount for unexpired risk cash transfer receivable ( payable )


  • Upon termination of the contract the insurer shall refund the unexpired premium to the insured calculated from the day of the termination of the contract to the day of its expiration .

    合同解除后,保险人应当将自合同解除之日起至保险期间 届满之日 的保险费退还被保险人。

  • Elected to fill the senator 's unexpired term ; an unexpired driver 's license .

    被选举去填补参议员 尚未 任期;没有到期的驾驶执照。

  • Prisoners breaching the supervision conditions may be recalled to serve the balance of their unexpired supervision period .

    违反监管规定的犯人,可能会被召回继续服刑, 直至监管期 余下 部分 届满 为止