unemployed salary

[ˌʌnɛmˈplɔɪd ˈsæləri][ˌʌnemˈplɔɪd ˈsæləri]

[经] 闲薪

  • He will not be unemployed he remains a first class engineer but he will never again command the salary or respect that once he did .

    他以后还能 找到 工作的,他依然是顶尖工程师,但他不会再拿到从前的 工资,并获得从前那种尊敬了。

  • Some unemployed job hunters also hurt their chances by volunteering to take a significantly lower salary than what they earned in their last job .

    一些 失业的求职者会主动表示可以接受较前份工作低很多的 薪酬,这种做法很可能会让你功亏一篑。

  • In unemployed insurance premium collect a respect like be being planted with other risk collect by cess Wu mechanism insurant individual answers the unemployed insurance premium of pay withhold from inside its salary before imposing individual income tax by place unit .

    在失业保险费的征收方面,同其他险种一样,由地方税务机关征收,被保险人个人应缴纳的 失业保险费,由所在单位在征收个人所得税前从其 工资中扣缴。