yard goods


  • ( British ) a retail dealer in yard goods .

    (英国)做亚麻布生意的 商人

  • The rear yard of Dongjiang Bonded Port as the main places for goods temporary transit and logistics processing is bound to usher in a greater and more broad space for development .

    东疆保税港区后方 堆场作为天津港 货物暂存、中转和物流加工的主要场所势必会迎来更大更广阔的发展空间。

  • A railway yard in which trains are assembled and goods are loaded . KCR House Shatin Station w_258

    一个铁路 ,在此对火车进行编组或 装货

  • When you visit open-air markets flea markets or yard sales the prices of some goods are not final .

    当你去露天市场、跳蚤市场或 后院市场时,有些 物品的价格并不是一成不变的。

  • By analyzing on status quo of railway goods yard fundamental equipment in our country it can be found that the fundamental equipment in existence can ′ t adapt to the need of goods transportation .

    由我国铁路 货场基础设施的现状分析可知,现有的铁路 货场基础设施已经不能适应 货物运输的需求。

  • City set up a dedicated local railway line and the freight yard goods may be leading to Hong Kong .

    市内设地方铁路专用线及 货场货物可直抵香港。

  • The Geological Condition of Engineering for the Yard of Tank Storage Area of Hazardous Goods Zhuhai Port

    珠海港危险 储罐区 场地工程地质条件

  • The feature of topography lithology and formation of stratum as well as intensity of earthquake for the yard of tank storage area of hazardous goods Zhuhai Port are described in the paper .

    阐述珠海港危险 储罐区 场地的地貌特征、地层岩性、地质构造以及地震烈度。

  • The Danish company has ordered from a South Korean yard 10 vessels bigger than aircraft carriers that will carry vast quantities of Chinese-made goods from Asia to Europe .

    这家丹麦公司从一家韩国 造船 订购了10艘比航空母舰还要大的船舶,用于把大量中国制造的 货物从亚洲运往欧洲。

  • Analysis of Electrostatic Hidden Troubles in Railway Freight Yard for Dangerous Goods

    铁路危险 货场中静电隐患的分析