yarn number

[jɑrn ˈnʌmbɚ][jɑ:n ˈnʌmbə]


  • Note that the higher the yarn number the finer the yarn .

    表明 纱线 支数越大,则纱线越细。

  • By comparing and analyzing to the data the effects of raw types of yarn ( single or folded yarn ) and total number of yarn on strength were studied .

    通过数据计算和比较分析,研究了纤维原料、纱线类型( 线 或单丝 )和纱线总根 对织 强度的影响。

  • In the second part the theory of air-jet spinning technology is discussed and the approach of improving air-jet yarn 's strength is given which is increasing the number of the wrapping fiber and the degree of the wrapping compactness .

    第二部分对喷气纺纱技术进行了理论探讨,并提出了提高喷气 强力的途径,即通过提高包缠纤维的 数量和包缠紧度来提高 强力

  • At the same time the yarn twist angle and the fiber twisting number are studied by mathematical deduction and their relationship is analyzed .

    分别对 纱线捻回角与纤维扭转 进行数学推导,分析了二者之间的统一关系。

  • In order to knit smoothly for flax yarn analyzing twist has influence on the breakdown intensity breakdown elongation volume diameter and the quality of cloth and studying the number of twist has influence on the flax yarn for knitting .

    为了使亚麻 顺利上机织造,分析了捻度对纱线强度、断裂伸长、体积、直径、布面风格的影响以及 捻度 大小对亚麻针织织造的影响。

  • In comparing the various systems used in arriving at yarn number the following may be useful .

    在比较不同 纱线 细度度量系统时,下述内容会有帮助。

  • Thus a filament yarn is characterized by its denier and the number of fibers in the yarn .

    因此一个化纤 长丝是以它的旦尼尔数和它纱线中的纤维 为特征的。

  • This paper introduces its composition and the factors affecting it in theory furthermore makes a study of the relationship between the strength of a cotton yarn and its number of natural convolution its rate of short fibres by the experiment .

    从理论上介绍了 纱线强力的构成和影响因素,并通过实验研究了 棉纱 强力与其天然转曲 、短绒率之间的关系。

  • USES : linear density grating through the refraction of light can quickly determined or knitting machine woven per cm or every inch of the yarn number within the root .

    用途:线密度光栅,通过折射光可快速确定针织或机织物每厘米或每英寸内的 纱线根

  • Over the years various methods of determining yarn number have been developed .

    在过去的岁月中,产生了多种测定 纱线 细度的方法。

  • Filament yarns are numbered not by the yarn number system but by the denier system .

    化纤长丝纱线不是通过这种 纱线 细度体系来计量的,而是通过旦尼尔体系来测定的。

  • It is pointed out that the number of neps of combed sliver and yarn is correlatively related thus the number of neps of combed sliver must be properly controlled .

    文章指出精梳条棉结与 棉结相关程度显著,应该对 精梳条棉给进行合理控制;

  • Yarn number is a measure of linear density .

    纱线 细度 纱线线密度的一种度量方法。

  • In general each turn adds the same amount of torque to the yarn so yarns with the same number of turns per meter have about the same amount of torque .

    通常,纱线每转一圈,都会增加相同的扭转力,所以每米具有相同 转数 纱线就会具有相同的扭转力。

  • The results showed that the breaking strength and elongation at break of polyamide raschel netting both have a highly prominent linear relationship to the total bar yarn number netting density and circle forming yarn number .

    研究分析结果表明,锦纶经编网片的断裂强力和断裂伸长率均与目脚总 、编织密度和成圈纱数有高度显著的线性关系。

  • Of the different processes for applying color to textile products yarn dyeing is a standard procedure boasting a number of advantages .

    在纺织品染色的不同工艺中, 纱线染色是有着 许多优点的标准工艺。

  • Measuring method of filament yarn number : skein method

    长丝 纱支测定法:绞纱法