yield criteria

[jild kraɪˈtɪrɪə][ji:ld kraɪˈtɪərɪə]


  • Comments on the yield criteria and failure criteria of soils

    论土的 屈服 准则和破坏准则

  • Geotechnical Yield Criteria and Constitutive Relations in Strain Space

    应变空间中的岩土 屈服 准则与本构关系

  • The in-plane stability formula of the lattice beam-columns derived from the edge yield criteria also applies to the castellated beam-columns and the results are conservative .

    由边缘 屈服 准则导出的格构式压弯构件平面内稳定计算公式,同样适合蜂窝式压弯构件弯矩作用平面内稳定计算,且结果偏于安全。

  • The yield criteria of the Tresca and Mises was compared using the algebraic method and method of stress-circle area . The result are the same with the literature 4 w_1060 5 w_1064 6 w_1068 .

    本文采用代数法和应力圆面积法对Tresca和Mises 屈服 理论进行了简明的定量分析比较,其结论与文献4w_1098、5w_1100和6w_1102相同。

  • The formulas of the maximum principal shear strain are deduced ; and the calculation cases for several commonly used yield criteria are presented .

    最后,详细推导出最大主剪应变的计算公式,并针对几种常用 屈服 准则给出计算示例。

  • This paper establishes a unified plastic model for meralic materials regarded the unified yield criteria as plastic potential .

    以统一 屈服 准则中为塑性势。建立了金属类材料的统一塑性模型。

  • The block-structural plane model is used for constructing the statically admissible stress fields which satisfy the equilibrium conditions boundary conditions and yield criteria .

    根据下限定理,构造了满足完全平衡条件、边界条件和 屈服 条件的静力许可场;

  • Some relationships between the two yield criteria for powder metallurgical materials were revealed in detail .

    揭示了粉末冶金材料2个常用 屈服 条件的相互关系。

  • Various yield criteria are given to different elements for inelastic analysis .

    进行弹塑性动力分析时对于各类不同的单元,提供了不同的 屈服 准则

  • Three shear stress yield criteria give full potential for improving strength of the material .

    提出了三剪应力 统一 屈服 准则,三剪屈服 准则可更大限度地发挥材料的强度潜力。

  • Finally using the sixth method a shear yield criteria for coarse-grained soils is proposed based on the results of conventional triaxial and true triaxial tests on these soils .

    最后使用破坏函数类比法,在粗粒土常规三轴试验及真三轴试验结果的基础上,建立了一个粗粒土剪切 屈服 准则

  • Study and application of yield criteria to rock and soil

    岩土 材料 破坏 准则研究及其应用

  • A generalized yield criterion is proposed by means of the plastic deformation mechanism and the theory of plasticity and the reasons for the difference between the Tresca and Mises yield criteria are analyzed with the results given by the generalized yield criterion .

    根据金属塑性变形机理及有关弹塑性理论的基本公式,提出了一种广义屈服条件,并用所得结果分析了Tresca条件和 Mises 条件与实验结果不完全一致的原因。

  • Study on the Stability of the Underground Cavern Group under the Conditions of Different in Situ Stresses ' Characteristics and Different Yield Criteria

    不同地应力特征及不同 屈服 准则对地下洞室稳定性影响研究

  • At last the rationality of different yield criteria adopted in respect to different lithology is demonstrated according to the comparison of monitoring data in construction and excavation .

    通过与施工开挖的监测数据对比,说明了不同岩性采用不同 屈服 准则分析的合理性。

  • Yield criteria applicability analysis of high strength hot rolled steel

    屈服 准则用于高强度热轧钢板的适用性分析

  • This paper deals with the expressions of the yield criteria for perfect plastic rock-soil in stress space and strain space and the characteristics of the yield curves on a meridian plane and a π plane .

    本文讨论了理想塑性岩土 屈服 条件在应力空间和应变空间中的表达形式,以及在子午平面上和π平面上屈服迹线的特点。

  • Studies of application of Drucker-Prager yield criteria to stability analysis

    Drucker-Prager系列 屈服 准则在稳定分析中的应用研究

  • At last the materials ' yield criteria are systematically researched by the means of stress strain and energy . 3 .

    最后从应力、应变、能量角度对材料 屈服 准则进行了系统的研究。

  • By defining the broad sense Lode stress parameter construct a new united formula for yield criteria .

    本文通过定义广义罗代应力参数,推导出新的 屈服 准则统一公式,它是经典的基于主应力的 屈服 准则统一表达式的推广。

  • Accordingly considering frozen soil as a viscoelastic plastic material this paper gives a progressive yield criteria to describe the creep off .

    非弹性变形的积累在一定 条件下导致了冻土渐进 屈服的出现,渐进屈服反过来又促进了冻土蠕变的进一步增加。

  • It proves theoretically that the slip line family is just the slip surface family meeting the yield criteria .

    在理论上证明,滑移线族就是满足 屈服 准则的滑动面族。

  • Based on document the yield criteria of the Tresca Mises and Two shearing stress were compared by using geometric method .

    本文在文献3w_1772的基础上,在σ2-σr坐标系中用几何法定量比较了Tresca和Mises与双剪应力 屈服 理论

  • In this paper focused on popularly used D-P yield criteria in geomaterials a new incremental method in which the stresses to be transferred according to normal flow rule are directly derived without forming elasto plastic increment matrix was proposed .

    针对岩土材料常用的 D-P 准则,提出了一种新的增量分析方法,不用形成弹塑性增量矩阵,直接导出了符合正交流动法则的转移应力的解析解。

  • Study on the quadratic plastic yield criteria of rocks and soils

    关于塑性岩土二次型 屈服 准则的研究

  • The VEP model with D-P yield criteria was validated with both of the numerical simulations above .

    以上数值计算均验证了基于D-P 屈服 准则的粘弹-塑性本构模型在海冰动力学中的可靠性。

  • Geometric method for comparison of the Tresca mises and two shearing stress yield criteria

    Tresca和Mises与双剪应力 屈服 理论的几何比较

  • The mechanics model based on Drucker-Prager yield criteria is deducted and composition effect of the wedge-shaped compaction device is calculated using FEM and the composition density formula is presented combining with experiment parameter . The calculation satisfied the engineering precision and it can replace experiment .

    用基于Drucker-Prager 屈服 准则推导的本构关系模型对楔形压头的压缩效果进行了有限元分析,结合试验参数,给出了压实密度计算公式,计算精度满足工程要求,可代替繁琐低效的试验工作。

  • When σ _3 > 6MPa the shear stress strength can be expressed by parabolic yield criteria .

    当σ>6MPa时,抗剪强度可用抛物型 屈服 准则来描述。

  • In this paper the yield mechanism and its mathematical structure are made for isotropic materials under complex stress state and a system of yield criteria is set up which consists of three generalized yield criteria .

    本文提出了在复杂应力状态下各向同性材料的屈服机理及其平方律的数学结构,建立了包括三种广义 屈服 准则的一个体系。